PITERA™ Ultimate Aura Essentials Kit - Skincare Set | SK-II US
SK-II PITERA™ Ultimate Aura Essentials Kit is a 3-step skin care set including our top-selling brightening serum. Enjoy free shipping.
SK-II Pitera Aura 3 Piece Kit (2.5 Ounce Facial Treatment Essence …
SK-II Pitera Aura 3 Piece Kit (2.5 Ounce Facial Treatment Essence + 0.57 Ounce Facial Treatment Cleanser + 0.33 Ounce Genoptics Aura Essence)
光子小灯泡 - SK-II
光子小灯泡指SK-II光蕴恒璨焕亮精华露的昵称,艺术化表达,非功效宣称,产品不具有光子技术。 全新指新配方新包装. 来源于宝洁内部数据,2023年根据普通消费者对121名年龄介于20-35岁受试者素颜照的评估,及专家分析后的数据。 非产品功效表述. 指PITERA原料特性。 光蛋白指丝聚蛋白. 指PITERA 原料特性。 因干燥引起的泛红. “ 小灯泡” 为消费者对指SK-II光蕴臻采焕亮精华露的昵称,并非产品正式注册名称,非指产品功效,实际效果因人而异。 使用人类尸体皮肤 …
SK-II Japanese Luxury Skincare Products Official Shop | SK-II US
SK-II Japanese luxury skincare products are packed with the exclusive and signature ingredient, PITERA™, for self-regenerating, youthful skin. Free Shipping.
GenOptics Ultraura Essence - Brightening Serum | SK-II US
Backed by more than 26 years of brightening research, GenOptics Ultraura Essence Serum formulated with Niacinamide, Lotus Flower Extract, and PITERA™, makes skin look brighter right after application and gives skin an ultimate aura radiance. What is PITERA™: SK-II’s proprietary, natural bio-ingredient derived from fermentation.
New GenOptics InfinitAura Essence: Brightening Essence | SK
SK-II GenOptics InfinitAura Essence: Brightening essence that boosts radiance, and inhibits melanin for smooth and younger looking skin. Learn more.
Review: I tried SK-II's GenOptics Aura Essence for two months
2021年7月30日 · It’s time to bring in SK-II Genoptics Aura Essence: a skin brightening serum with a new powerhouse ingredient to add to your beauty vocab – Prunus Extract. This game …
光蘊恆璨煥亮精華:亮白淡斑抗氧化精華液 | SK-II 台灣
SK-II 光蘊恆璨煥亮精華:全新光子小燈泡精華液,亮白淡斑抗氧化精華,有效抑制黑色素生成,提亮膚色、淡化斑點,使肌膚重現年輕光澤,打造晶透無瑕美肌。 敏感肌可用。 了解更多。
全新小燈泡精華 - 一瞬點亮光‧透‧嫩 喚醒原生光芒 | SK-II 香港
SK-II 極緻光蘊煥亮精華 - 全新小燈泡精華,有效提亮膚色、緊致肌膚、均勻膚質,使肌膚重現迷人光彩,打造年輕光蘊肌。 敏感肌可用。 了解更多。
SK-II PITERA™ Infinitaura Essentials
Instantly Radiant V , Smooth VI , Translucent VI Youthful Vitality with Aura Inside Out VII