SKF CMIN 400-K Ultrasonic Probe - TEquipment
By converting the ultrasonic elements of a working steam trap into the audible range, the SKF Inspector 400 Ultrasonic Probe (CMIN 400-K) allows users to hear through headphones and see on a meter the exact condition of a steam trap while it is on line. Blowby, machine gunning, over sized traps or line blockage are all easily detected.
SKF Inspector 400 Ultrasonic Probe CMIN400 User Manual (rev A)
Connecting the SKF Inspector 400 Ultrasonic Probe to an SKF Microlog Analyzer Sensors as Intrinsically safe (or) suitable for hazardous areas SKF Idler Sound Monitor Advantages
The SKF Inspector 400 Ultrasonic Probe senses high frequency sounds produced by operating equipment, leaks and electrical dis-charges. It electronically translates these signals by a heterodyning process, making them audible, so that a user can hear these sounds through a headset and see them as intensity increments on a meter.
SKF Inspector 400 Ultrasonic Probe CMIN 400-K Features • Detect pressure and vacuum leaks … including compressed air • Check steam traps and valves quickly and accurately • Detect arcing, tracking and corona in electric apparatus • Test bearings, pumps, motors, compressors, etc. Introduction
声波检测仪CMIN 400-K 气体泄露检测仪 - 1688.com
CMIN 400用于检测由于机器设备运转、压力容器和管道的泄漏、电路放电所产生的高频信号,经过仪器处理,转变为可以听见的声音信号,信号的强弱变化还可以在LED棒图上显示出来。 内容声明:阿里巴巴中国站为第三方交易平台及互联网信息服务提供者,阿里巴巴中国站(含网站、客户端等)所展示的商品/服务的标题、价格、详情等信息内容系由店铺经营者发布,其真实性、准确性和合法性均由店铺经营者负责。 阿里巴巴提醒您购买商品/服务前注意谨慎核实,如您对商品/ …
SKF 集团主页 | SKF - SKF USA
提高铁路可靠性 skf 与客户密切合作开发的新型圆锥滚子轴承系列可提高性能和耐用性,以适应苛刻的轨道条件。 它们可承受高达 1.5 倍的动载荷,并可将输出轴轴承的摩擦降低 20%,从而降低能耗并提高可持续性。
SKF CMIN 400-K Inspector 400 Ultrasonic Probe
this product has been discontinued by skf. IT IS AVAILABLE FROM THE ACTUAL MANUFACTURER AND IS SOLD AS P/N UP100KT . Browse for more products in the same category as this item:
Skf CMIN400 Manuals | ManualsLib
Manuals and User Guides for SKF CMIN400. We have 1 SKF CMIN400 manual available for free PDF download: Manual.
超声波检测仪 CMIN 400-K-价格|参数|规格|资料-SKF/斯凯孚|瑞典 …
超声波检测仪 cmin 400-k的产品描述,技术参数,包装参数,技术文档。 艾逊工业品作为领先的MRO工业品、仪器仪表供应商,满足您超声波检测仪 CMIN 400-K的需求。
SKF Inspector 400超声探测仪 - CMIN 400-K_北京中新锐科技发展 …
cmin 400用于检测由于机器设备运转、压力容器和管道的泄漏、电路放电所产生的高频信号,经过仪器处理,转变为可以听见的声音信号,信号的强弱变化还可以在led棒图上显示出来 检测由操作设备、泄漏和放电所产生的高频率噪