About Us - SKG
Founded in 2007, SKG is a high-tech R&D company specialized in developing wearable health devices. SKG combines the best of fashion and technology, and packs everything great into beautifully-designed massage products that enable healthier lifestyle.
SKG - 官方网站
SKG简介,品牌发展历程,企业文化.未来穿戴健康科技股份有限公司 (SKG)是一家专注于可穿戴按摩仪研发,设计,生产的高科技公司.为用户提供高品质的可穿戴按摩仪产品和服务体验,现已拥有全球855项核心专利.
关于我们 - skg.com
skg 成立于 2007 年,是一家专门开发可穿戴健康设备的高科技研发公司。skg 将时尚与科技的精髓融为一体,将所有优秀元素融入设计精美的按摩产品中,让人们拥有更健康的生活方式。skg 的产品获得了国际设计界的认可,包括红点设计奖和 if 设计奖。
SKG - 官方网站
About Us – SKG Indonesia
Founded in 2007, SKG is a high-tech R&D company specialized in developing wearable health devices. SKG combines the best of fashion and technology, and packs everything great into beautifully-designed massage products that enable healthier lifestyle.
2024年3月11日 · 行业首发的自研混动按摩系统外,SKG公布了科研投入:截至目前,SKG拥有近2000项专利技术,位居全球首位。 深耕国内之余出海创收,或是下一个战略重点。 白色家电起家,要靠技术突围便携按摩仪? 牵头起草行业标准. 推出业内首个自研混动按摩系统. 2007年以白色家电起家,2018年SKG推出了行业第一款穿戴式便携颈椎按摩仪,也为公司的发展运营带来重要转折。 这一年,SKG的便携颈椎按摩仪上线3个月就成为行业第一,迅速引领颈椎按摩行业的发 …
SKG - huayuhua.com
Future Wearable Technology Co. Ltd. (SKG) was established in 2007 as a high-tech company focused on the research, design, and production of wearable massage devices. Based on the management of human health data, SKG has been committed to making everyone younger and healthier, providing users with high-quality wearable massage products and services.
SKG - Rambler-全球精選品牌香港直供 | 智能科技・3C配件 | 企業 …
未來穿戴健康科技股份有限公司(skg)成立於2007年,是一家專注於可穿戴按摩儀研發、設計、生產的高科技公司。 立足於人體健康數據管理,SKG一直致力於讓每個人更年輕健康,為用戶提供高品質的可穿戴按摩儀產品和服務體驗,同時也不斷整合最優質的研發 ...
SKG Indonesia – SKG Indonesia
PT AXINDO INFOTAMA Ruko Mega Grosir Cempaka Mas Blok K.29-30, Sumur Batu, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10640
About SKG - skg.com
Founded in 2007, SKG is a high-tech R&D company specialized in developing wearable health devices. SKG combines the best of fashion and technology, and packs everything great into beautifully-designed massage products that enable healthier lifestyle.
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