The hexagon- screwdriver lines PROFI COMFORT LINE WOOD and COMFORT LINE WOOD plus combine functionality and ergonomic design with proven SKG quality. Their outstanding feature is the optimal torque transmission, even with oily and wet hands.
welcome: SKG - skg-tools
With EASY FORCE SYSTEM, SKG introduces a product innovation in the realm of screwdrivers. Our innovative system combines all well-known and proven advantages of the SKG PROFI COMFORT LINE and the T- handle PROFI-LINE products.
Screwdrivers: SKG - skg-tools
The SKG ELECTRONIC LINE is the ideal screwdriver when it comes down to quick, precise and fine screwing movements instead of torque. read more...
SKG已在新加坡、美国、荷兰、中国开设公司,产品已遍布50多个国家和地区,实现了全球的战略布局。SKG 产品设计获得国家级、省级设计奖项,并且屡次斩获德国红点设计(Red Dot)奖、汉诺威工业(iF)设计奖等众多国际大奖。
SKG - 官方网站
SKG简介,品牌发展历程,企业文化.未来穿戴健康科技股份有限公司 (SKG)是一家专注于可穿戴按摩仪研发,设计,生产的高科技公司.为用户提供高品质的可穿戴按摩仪产品和服务体验,现已拥有全球855项核心专利.
2025年1月15日 · 近日,skg的母公司——未来穿戴健康科技股份有限公司在深圳证监局办理辅导备案登记,拟向不特定合格投资者公开发行股票并在北交所上市,辅导 ...
Cellosaurus cell line SKG-I (CVCL_2793)
Establishment and characterization of the human uterine cervical epidermoid cancer cell line. Studies on marker substances in cell lines derived from various human gynecologic tumors. Integration and transcription of human papillomavirus type 16 and 18 sequences in cell lines derived from cervical carcinomas.
SKG Motor | LINE Official Account
SKG Motor's LINE official account profile page. Add them as a friend for the latest news.
VDE COMFORT LINE - skg-tools
SKG VDE (=tested by the German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) screwdrivers: safety guaranteed! The VDE COMFORT LINE and VDE BASIC LINE. All SKG VDE screwdrivers have been tested in …
Cellosaurus cell line SKG-IIIa (CVCL_1704)
Newly established uterine cervical cancer cell line (SKG-III) with Regan isoenzyme, human chorionic gonadotropin beta-subunit, and pregnancy-specific beta 1-glycoprotein phenotypes. Biological properties of two newly established cell lines (SKG-3a,3b) from a human uterine cervical epidermoid carcinoma.