SKL-SP1 - Magnaflux
Developed for preventative maintenance, control checks and weld inspection, SKL-SP1 is a rich, vivid red dye penetrant for Type 2 penetrant testing in visible white light. This solvent-removeable penetrant is designed to provide complete, consistent test-surface coverage with minimal product for an optimal balance of reliability, performance ...
SKL-SP1 can be used over the entire spectrum of industrial applications, where a visible penetrant inspection system meets the requirements for surface-open flaw detection. Applications Typical applications include castings, forgings, leak testing, welds and general metal work. SKL-SP1 has also been successfully used on non-porous ceramics and ...
General Description: Spotcheck SKL-SP1 is a solvent removable (or post emulsifiable) red color contrast penetrant. SKL-SP1 exhibits outstanding penetrating characteristics, which provide for maximum reliability in locating surface-open flaws and discontinuities.
Spotcheck SKL-SP1 Penetrant | Samsonic Instruments
Applications: Welds, Forgings, Pressure Vessels, Castings, General Metal Work, Leak Testing, Power Plant, Construction. Classification: Type 2, Method B, C or D. Temperature: SKL-SP1 should be used at temperatures between 40° F to 125° F.
SK系列套装| 渗透检测 | 美国磁通 - Magnaflux
每个套装均包含了渗透检测所需要用到的 SKL-SP2 溶剂去除型渗透剂, SKD-S2 显像剂, SKC-S 清洗剂,记号笔,高效擦拭布及SCRUBS 高效擦拭手巾等必备用品。 SK套装携带方便,特别适合野外,户外等焊缝,压力容器,大型铸锻件等多种不同用途。 SK套装系列有 SK-416 和 SK-816 两种。 点击以下包装形式和件号了解更多信息。 了解更多有关SK系列着色渗透检测套装,去除方法B,C和D, QPL SAE AMS 2644合规。
Shop Boeing for 01-5150-77, PENETRANT: SOLVENT REMOVE,16OZ, MAGNAFLUX SKL-SP1. Boeing offers Aircraft Parts, Chemicals, Tools, and more.
Magnaflux 01-5155-35 SpotCheck® Penetrant - SKL SP1, Can
Crack Check SpotCheck® Penetrant - SKL SP1, Can TTT420 01-5155-35. Free Delivery on Orders Over $99
SKL-SP1 溶剂去除式渗透剂 应用范围zui广,通用型溶剂去除式的渗透剂,适用于粗糙表面及较大工件。 配套使用的显像剂:SKD-S2 & ZP-5B 配套使用的清洗剂 . SKL-SP1 溶剂去除式渗透剂 应用范围zui广,通用型溶剂去除式的渗透剂,适用于粗糙表面及较大工件。
2017年3月8日 · ® PENETRANT SKL-SP1 1. Company: MAGNAFLUX Address: 3624 West Lake Avenue, Glenview, Illinois 60026 Telephone No.: 847-657-5300 (Off-Hour Emergency Number - CHEMTREC - 1-800-424-9300). Product Use: Visible inspection penetrant. Packages: 1 gallon and 5 gallon pails, 20 gallon drums, 55 gallon drums, Totes, aerosols, pens
Spotcheck SKL-SP1 is a solvent removable (or post emulsifiable) red colour contrast penetrant. SKL-SP1 exhibits outstanding penetrating characteristics which provide for maximum reliability in locating surface-open flaws and discontinuities.