SKS | Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
The SKS is a weapon featured in Battlefield 4, and it is the third DMR to be unlocked. It behaves very much like its counterpart from Battlefield 3, boasting a low recoil for a DMR as well as a …
SKS - Battlefield 4 Guide - IGN
2015年5月6日 · The SKS is a Russian made Designated Marksman Rifle. The real life counterpart is the SKS-45, which is short for Samozaryadnyj Karabin sistemy Simonova, 1945. It fires the …
SKS | Battlefield Wiki | Fandom
The SKS (Russian: Самозарядный карабин системы Симонова, Samozaryadniy Karabin sistemy Simonova; English: Self-loading Carbine of [the] Simonov system) is a Soviet-made …
SKS - Battlefield 4 Weapon Guide - YouTube
A high-quality in-depth guide for the SKS DMR in Battlefield 4. Be sure to leave a rating and a comment (either positive or negative) It really helps encoura...
Battlefield 4 - SKS DMR Review: Fastest Rate Of Fire DMR
Hey guys today we're going to take a look at one of my favorite DMRs in BF4.Weapon Stats: http://Symthic.comOriginPC: http://originPC.comMy Computer Hardware...
Battlefield 4 - SKS - Game Loadouts
Battlefield 4 (BF4) SKS loadouts are located on this page. Find the best setup for the Battlefield 4 (BF4) SKS here.
BF4现在玩的人多吗?入坑前必看的建议 - 百度贴吧
SKS - Battlefield4 攻略 BF4 Wiki
SKSカービンは1945年にソ連軍に制式採用された自動小銃(カービン)である。 セミオート、固定式マガジン、ストックと一体化したグリップなど非常に保守的な設計がなされている。
SKS - BATTLEFIELD 4 Wiki - BF4 Wiki - atwiki(アットウィキ)
2014年5月27日 · SKS(СКС)は1945年に採用された半自動カービン。 AK-47に先駆けて7.62×39弾を使用した、設計当時としては革新的な小銃であった。 だがすぐにAK-47が採用 …
武器/全兵科共通/DMR - Battlefield4 攻略 BF4 Wiki
Steam Community :: Guide :: Tier list of weapon in Battlefield 4
2023年6月25日 · The SKS has a trivially higher rate of fire. I even played around a bit, checking the differences between the SKS and the others, and I'll be honest - there is simply no better …
Gallery - Battlefield Informer Battlefield 4 DMR
This weapon section covers images for Battlefield 4 DMR such as the: MK11 MOD 0, SKS, SVD-12, QBU-88, M39 EMR, ACE 53 SV, SCAR-H SV and the RFB. A Battlefield 4 Designated …
Best DMR? - Battlefield 4 - GameFAQs
Statistically, the 3 best DMRs in the game, post-patch, are the SCAR-H SV, MK11, and SVD. All three have an ADS of 0.05 (the lowest possible) while still maintaining the high damage model …
Battlefield4 攻略 BF4 Wiki
固定ハンドルネームは禁止 されています。 名前欄内にあるageの3文字はシステム上のモノでコテハン (固定ハンドルネーム)とは違います。 消さずにそのまま残して書き込みをしてくだ …
Yes or No - SKS Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) Weapon …
2015年10月28日 · Yes or No - SKS Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) Weapon Review - Battlefield 4 (BF4) This is Yes or No, a weapon review series where I give a clear and concise …
Battlefield 4 Weapons Complete Guide: Best Guns and Loadouts
2024年3月8日 · Despite the inherent challenges of using a DMR in Battlefield 4, the SKS remains an excellent choice for players seeking a semi-automatic rifle with respectable firepower. The …
Battlefield 4 Unlocks Guide for all Kits, Weapons, and Vehicles
2013年10月31日 · Battlefield 4 features DICE’s most extensive progression system in a Battlefield game to date. Each class can unlock new items for their kits, new guns, and vehicles can see …
Designated Marksman Rifles - Battlefield 4 Guide - IGN
Designated Marksman Rifles (or DMRs) are one of eight firearm categories in Battlefield 4. All the weapons in the game are from the three factions (USA, Russia, China), but any can be chosen...
Ban appeals | BF4DB
2019年2月25日 · can i disprove the ban? I get banned for aimbot,and i think it unfair ban. I was a very lucky day,when i did 94 headshot with SKS on metro 2014.
[BF4] - Weapon Setups | TBGclan.com | True Born Gaming
2021年7月6日 · in the vast majority of cases the best setup for all weapons is the stubby grip and no barrel. recon: ssr-61 4x optic, range finder flash hider and straight pull. You must log in or …
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