即将2024年了,徕卡SL2相机还值得入手吗? - 知乎专栏
徕卡SL2是第一款视频分辨率最高可达5K的全画幅无反光镜相机。徕卡SL2的4K全画幅模式和高达60fps的帧率能够胜任各种高标准的视频工作。 视频模式与照片模式相对独立也意味着重要的视频模式设置(例如ISO、拍摄助手、图像风格设置)完全独立于照片模式。
徕卡SL2 | 徕卡相机官方网站 - Leica Camera
精湛的德国制造工艺,简洁的操作系统,按钮和菜单的操作方式,每一个细节都如此合理,方便使用。但真正使徕卡SL2脱颖而出的是它惊人的图像质量,难以置信,你必须得亲自体验。” 美国摄影师史蒂夫·麦凯瑞(Steve McCurry) 阅读完整采访内容
心有徕卡,细嗅蔷薇—— Leica SL2体验 - 无忌器材
2020年6月30日 · Q2和SL2都是同样的Maestro III处理器、4730万像素CMOS感光元件、14bit的位深度以及ISO50000的感光度。 当我用Q2+SL2+SL50AA镜头时,完美搭配成为互补的28mm+50mm双机双镜组合。
徕卡SL2 详细信息 | 徕卡相机官方网站 - Leica Camera
如何评价 2019 年 11 月 6 日正式发布的徕卡 SL2?有哪些亮点和不 …
SL2有蓝牙,Leica应该是可以做到通过蓝牙获取手机的地理位置信息,这样会方便狠很多,不管Leica是处于安全还是什么考虑,并没有解决好此问题。 说到Leica官方的FOTOS app,这个App的目的是用来管理拍摄的照片、视频,远程控制相机拍照拍摄,以及上面提到的同步 ...
SL2 (musical group) - Wikipedia
SL2 is an English breakbeat hardcore group from London, England. They also recorded, remixed or produced under the names Slipmatt & Lime and T.H.C. Starting out as a group of three, SL2 was originally a coming together of DJs Matt "Slipmatt" Nelson and John "Lime" Fernandez, and rap vocalist Jason "Jay-J" James. [1] .
Sigrogana Legend 2 Wiki - Miraheze
2024年9月3日 · Welcome to the SL2 Wiki! Sigrogana Legend 2 is a multiplayer Tactical RPG with an emphasis on roleplaying, created and maintained by Devourer of Souls. It takes place in a fantasy setting that is unique to it.
SL2S + Sigma 24mm f/3.5 DG DN Contemporary - Leica SL System …
2025年1月14日 · F3.5 isn’t an issue when the SL2-S is so effective in low light - including its IBIS of course (eg longer handheld exposures for interiors) unless you’re shooting moving subjects. Welcome, dear visitor!
Thinking about R zooms for my SL2-S - Leica SL System - Leica …
2025年2月3日 · This pair of zooms seems both affordable and high-quality; from a theoretical standpoint, I really like the idea of a two-lens SL2-S kit built around them. One of my favorite lenses on the SL2-S has been the 135mm f/4 Tele-Elmar; I like the combination of reach, manual focus, and a slightly old-fashioned character.
Leica SL2 image thread, please post your images here.
2025年1月27日 · One of the first shots with the new to me SL2. Welcome, dear visitor! As registered member you'd see an image here… Simply register for free here – We are always happy to welcome new members!