Celebrating Chuck Hull & the SLA-1 Original 3D Printer – Now a …
2016年5月19日 · Hull and his formidable invention, the SLA-1, are being honored, according to a press release from 3DS, for ‘transformational impact in engineering and manufacturing.’
3D Systems’ First 3D Printer named Historic Mechanical ... - ASME
NEW YORK, New York, May 18, 2016 – The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) announced today that it has designated SLA-1, the first commercial rapid prototyping system introduced by 3D Systems (NYSE:DDD), as a Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark. SLA-1 was developed in 1987 from the work of Charles (Chuck) Hull, the inventor ...
SLA-1 Designated Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark …
2016年5月25日 · As a Landmark, the SLA-1 joins a list of over 260 game-changing innovations, including the Wright Flyer, Model T and Saturn V rocket. At the landmark designation ceremony at 3D Systems’ headquarters, Chuck Hull shared the story of his first print and his expectations and surprises in the decades since.
3D Printing: The Machine that Started It All | Machine Design
2017年8月23日 · By 1987, the first SLA commercial 3D printer was produced, fittingly called SLA-1 (pictured below). Hull would later become a co-founder of 3D Systems. SLA is a photopolymerization process in...
First Commercially Successful Stereolithography Machine, Model SLA-1 …
His innovation combines optical scanning and laser technologies to print precise physical parts, using liquid polymers. This additive manufacturing process accelerates production design, creating prototype parts and concept models with a quick turnaround time. This is the first machine shipped by Hull's company, 3D Systems.
SLA-Ⅰ复合体的构建及PRRSV M蛋白CD8+T细胞表位的筛选 - 百度 …
SLA Ⅰ类分子高度多态的α1和α2区域共同构成了病毒抗原肽结合槽,能够递呈抗原肽至CD8+细胞毒性T淋巴细胞 (CTLs),并将其激活进而杀死感染的靶细胞,从而诱导宿主产生特异性细胞免疫应答。 由于SLA-Ⅰ与病毒T细胞表位结合是CD8+T淋巴细胞清除感染细胞的第一步,并且SLA对抗原表位具有严格的限制性,因此研究SLA Ⅰ类分子的多态性对于阐明SLA-Ⅰ与病毒CTLs表位相互作用的分子机制具有重要的科学意义。
SLA-1 in the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum
2015年6月9日 · The first 3D printer ever made, the SLA-1, is now on display at the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum in Alexandria, VA. Go check it out!
世界上第一台3D打印机是谁发明的? - 搜狐
2018年3月23日 · 当时还不叫“3D打印”,Hull将这台机器命名为“SLA-1”,功能描述为快速成型,Hull发明它的起因是为了缩短创建产品原型所需要的漫长时间,当时使用一次性模具工艺大约要花6-8周。
实验用荣昌猪 SLA -1等位基因鉴定及分子遗传特征分析
SLA基因包含高度多态的SLA Ⅰ类、SLA Ⅱ类和相对保守的SLA Ⅲ类基因,高度多态的SLA-1基因是经典的SLA Ⅰ类基因,目前IPD-MHC(Immuno Polymorphism Database-MHC)数据库共收录了89个SLA-1基因(Release 07/2022 build 209)。
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Offering a superb level of sound quality, the SLA-1’s clean and powerful circuitry combined with a straightforward user interface quickly and easily delivers the power you need for a wide variety of project and professional studio environments, broadcast and installation applications.