Solute carrier family - Wikipedia
A more general transmembrane transporter classification can be found in TCDB database. Solutes that are transported by the various SLC group members are extremely diverse and include both charged and uncharged organic molecules as well as …
溶质载体超家族SLC - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Several classes of marketed drugs now target well-known SLC transporters, such as neurotransmitter transporters, and human genetic studies have provided powerful insight into the roles of more-recently characterised SLC transporters in both rare and common diseases, indicating a wealth of new therapeutic opportunities.
SLC Family Transporters - PubMed
Solute carrier (SLC) family transporters utilize an electrochemical potential difference or an ion gradient generated by primary active transporters for transporting their substrates across biological membranes. These transporters are categorized as …
Proton-coupled oligopeptide transporter family SLC15: Physiological, pharmacological and pathological implications. Mol Aspects Med. 2013 Apr;34 (2-3):323-36.
SLC Transporters: Structure, Function, and Drug Discovery
The human Solute Carrier (SLC) transporters are important targets for drug development. Structure-based drug discovery for SLC transporters requires the description of their structure, dynamics, and mechanism of interaction with small molecule ...
清华大学药学院陈立功课题组应邀发表多篇综述文章阐述转运蛋白 …
溶质载体 (slc) 是一组膜通道,可以运输氨基酸、蛋白质、营养物质和神经递质的组成部分。在这篇综述中,我们总结了 slc 氨基酸转运蛋白与炎症和免疫反应之间的联系,特别是 slc1 家族成员和 slc7 成员。
SLC Transporters as Therapeutic Targets: Emerging Opportunities
Solute carrier (SLC) transporters — a family of more than 300 membrane-bound proteins that facilitate the transport of a wide array of substrates across biological membranes — have important roles in physiological processes ranging from the cellular uptake of nutrients to the absorption of drugs and other xenobiotics.
Solute Carrier (SLC) Transporters: An Overview | SpringerLink
2021年9月12日 · SLC transporters function as facilitative transporters (allowing solutes to flow downhill with their electrochemical gradients) or as secondary active transporters (allowing their substrates to flow uphill against their electrochemical gradient by coupling their transport to the movement of a second solute – antiport or symport, depending on ...
The SLC transporter in nutrient and metabolic sensing, …
We aim to understand the molecular mechanisms of important SLC transporter-mediated physiological processes and their potentials as drug targets. SLC transporters serve as ‘metabolic gate’ of cells and mediate the transport of a wide range of essential nutrients and metabolites such as glucose, amino acids, vitamins, neurotransmitters, and ...
SLC transporters as therapeutic targets: emerging opportunities
2015年6月26日 · More than 100 Mendelian diseases are caused by a defect in a single solute carrier (SLC) transporter. Genetic studies have provided a wealth of information on the roles that SLC transporters...