SLC11A1 Gene - GeneCards | NRAM1 Protein | NRAM1 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · SLC11A1 (Solute Carrier Family 11 Member 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with SLC11A1 include Buruli Ulcer and Tuberculosis. Among its related pathways are Innate Immune System and Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides.
Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 - Wikipedia
Natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SLC11A1 gene. [5][6][7] This gene is a member of the solute carrier family 11 (proton-coupled divalent metal ion transporters) family and encodes a multi-pass membrane protein.
哺乳动物铁转运蛋白:SLC11和SLC40家族。,Molecular Aspects of …
SLC11A1和SLC11A2在巨噬细胞铁回收中都起着重要作用。 SLC11A2还通过运铁蛋白受体循环的内吞囊泡膜将铁转运到细胞质中。 SLC40A1是SLC40家族的唯一成员,并且参与了所描述的唯一的细胞铁外排机制。 SLC40A1在人体铁稳态中起关键作用的几种组织和细胞中高度表达。 讨论了在转录,转录后和翻译后水平调控SLC11A2和SLC40A1表达的信号传导途径。 还总结了SLC11A2和/或SLC40A1在铁相关疾病如血色素沉着症,神经退行性疾病和乳腺癌中的作用。 …
溶质载体家族 11 成员 1(SLC11A1)基因 | MCE
该基因是溶质载体家族 11 (质子偶联二价金属离子转运蛋白) 家族的成员,编码多通道膜蛋白。 该蛋白质作为一种二价过渡金属 (铁和锰) 转运蛋白,参与铁代谢和宿主对某些病原体的抵抗力。 该基因的突变与结核病和麻风病等传染病以及类风湿性关节炎和克罗恩病等炎症性疾病的易感性有关。 已经描述了编码不同蛋白质同种型的可变剪接变体,但仅确定了一个的全长性质。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月]
SLC11A1 solute carrier family 11 member 1 [ (human)]
Genetic variants of SLC11A1 are associated with both autoimmune and infectious diseases. SLC11A1 gene polymorphisms might have a relevant role in the pathology of leishmaniasis, directing towards susceptibility outcome of this disease; Our data provide insights into the possible role of SLC11A1 variation in visceral leishmaniasis susceptibility.
SLC11A1 is expressed by innate lymphocytes and augments their ...
SLC11A1 is a divalent ion transporter formerly known as the natural resistance-associated macrophage protein (NRAMP1) and the Bcg/Lsh/Ity locus. SLC11A1 was thought to be exclusively expressed in monocyte/macrophages and …
Slc11a1, Formerly Nramp1, Is Expressed in Dendritic Cells and ...
Solute carrier family 11 member a1 (Slc11a1; formerly Nramp1) encodes a late endosomal/lysosomal protein/divalent cation transporter that regulates iron homeostasis in macrophages. During macrophage activation, Slc11a1 has multiple pleiotropic ...
The human solute carrier family 11 member 1 protein (SLC11A1): …
Slc11a1 in mice encodes a polytopic integral 10–12 transmembrane protein, which is expressed exclusively in macrophages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes and neurons (Evans et al., 2001). Slc11a1 exacts pleiotropic effects on macrophage function that include enhanced chemokine KC, tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1β, inducible nitric ...
该蛋白作为二价过渡金属 (铁和锰)转运蛋白,参与铁代谢和宿主对某些病原体的抵抗力。 这个基因的突变与感染性疾病如结核病和麻疯病的易感性以及炎症性疾病如类风湿关节炎和克罗恩病有关。 已经描述了编码不同蛋白质异型体的替代剪接变体,但只有一个是全长性质。 [由RefSeq,2008年7月提供] Dir./Indir. Generation and annotation of the DNA sequences of human chromosomes 2 and 4. Alleles of the NRAMP1 gene are risk factors for pediatric tuberculosis disease.
Slc11a1 - solute carrier family 11 member 1 基因 | MCE
Predicted to enable metal ion transmembrane transporter activity and protein homodimerization activity. Predicted to be involved in cellular transition metal ion homeostasis; metal ion transport; and response to lipopolysaccharide.