Mercedes-AMG GT4
The Mercedes-AMG GT4 is based on the powerful Mercedes-AMG GT R Coupé production sports car (combined fuel consumption: 13.1 l/100 km | combined CO2 emission: 299 g/km) and stands out for an unparalleled safety equipment as well as its weight-optimised design.
奔驰SLS AMG - 百度百科
SLS AMG Electric Drive最大的特点在于其搭载了全电动系统,这套 动力系统 由四个 电动马达 组成,四个电动马达可以达到740马力的最大功率和999N·m的最大扭矩。
Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG - Wikipedia
Available in Coupé and Roadster body styles, the SLS AMG GT has the same torque (649 N⋅m (479 lb⋅ft) at 4,750 rpm) and the same top speed as the regular SLS AMG but includes increased engine power output to 435 kW; 583 hp (591 PS) at 6,800 rpm and 650 N⋅m (479 lbf⋅ft) of torque at 4,750 rpm, resulting in an ever so slight 1/10 of a ...
4.0T+V8动力 3.6秒破百! 奔驰新车---奔驰SLS AMG - 知乎专栏
在10月28日,全新一代梅赛德斯-AMG SL正式发布,新车与AMG GT共享平台,并将搭载 4.0T V8 发动机,预计在 2022年 正式上市。 1.使用AMG家族式的设计语言; 2.整车尺寸仅为4705/1915/1353mm,轴距为2700mm; 3.使用最新研发的MSA平台架构,框架结构和覆盖件均采用了铝镁合金与复合材料; 4.内饰设计高度与S级保持一致; 5.回归2+2四座布局版本; 6.搭载4.0T V8双涡轮增压高、低功率发动机,低功率版本最大马力为476匹,而高功率版本最大马力 …
鸥翼门的绝唱,奔驰SLS AMG - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
在SLS诞生后,奔驰陆续推出了其升级版的车型,它们分别为:GT3 45周年、Black Serie、Electirc Drive、roadstar等,其中最有名的当属于GT F1赛道安全车,也就是大家所称的F1领航车,在每一款升级版车型中,都比SLS更轻、更快、添加了更多空气动力学套件,这也把大家 ...
巅峰极速(RacingMaster)奔驰SLS AMG GT深度试驾&分享——" …
巅峰极速(RacingMaster)性能组奔驰SLS AMG GT深度试驾&分享——"优雅鸥翼门与高强动力结合的典范"
Mercedes-AMG GT4 Review | Performance, Power, Handling
2019年7月26日 · Drive gets behind the wheel of the new Mercedes-AMG GT4 to see what it can really do. Can it impress with its power and performance? Is Mercededs-AMG GT4 as fun as it looks?
· ; 保值率154% 7年前的奔驰sls amg gt拍卖· ; 哪款你想拥有? amg发布55周年海报解析· ; 参展车辆总价超过2亿美元的优雅竞赛
Highlights of the Mercedes-AMG GT 4-Door Coupé
2018年9月27日 · It combines the impressive race-track dynamism of the two-door AMG GT sports car with the greatest possible everyday usability, offering space for up to five people. Engines: 4.0-litre V8 biturbo in two output stages with 430 kW (585 hp) and 470 kW (639 hp) respectively | 800 Nm and 900 Nm maximum torque respectively.
2014款 SLS AMG GT Final Edition - 汽车之家
汽车之家奔驰SLS级AMG 2014款 SLS AMG GT Final Edition车型频道,提供奔驰汽车奔驰SLS级AMG2014款 SLS AMG GT Final Edition最新报价,图片,参数配置信息及保养信息 ...