SM U-35 (Germany) - Wikipedia
SM U-35 was a German U 31-class U-boat which operated in the Mediterranean Sea during World War I. It ended up being the most successful U-boat participating in the war, sinking 220 merchant ships for a total of 505,121 gross register tons (GRT). Her longest-serving captain was Lothar von Arnauld de la Perière.
U-35号潜艇 (1914年) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
陛下之35号潜艇 (德語: SM U 35[註 1])是 德意志帝国海军 建造的一艘 潜艇 或称 U艇。 它由 基尔 的 日耳曼尼亚船厂 承建,于1914年4月18日 下水,至同年11月3日 交付使用。 U-35号是在 第一次世界大战海战 期间服役的 329艘德国潜艇 之一,并参加了 大西洋潜艇战役。 在其十七次巡逻中,共击沉了220艘 协约国 或 中立国 商船, 容积总吨 高达505121吨,成为人类战争史上最成功的潜艇。 [5] 战后,U-35号于1918年11月26日被引渡至英国正式投降,并于1919年至1920 …
The Type VIIA U-boat U-35 - German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net
Unlike many other U-boats, which during their service lost men due to accidents and various other causes, U-35 did not suffer any casualties (we know of) until the time of her loss. That boat was launched from its shipyard on 18 Apr 1914 and commissioned …
German submarine U-35 - Wikipedia
SM U-35, was a Type U 31 submarine launched in 1914 and that served in the First World War until surrendered on 26 November 1918 During the First World War, Germany also had these submarines with similar names:
Created during WWI, this silent, tinted documentary film presents the exploits of the U-35 with inter title cards in English. SM U-35 was a German U 31-class U-boat which operated in the Mediterranean Sea during World War I. It ended up being the most successful submarine participating in the war, sinking 224 ships for a total of 539,741 tons.
一战德国海军潜艇王牌:击沉224艘船只的U-35潜艇 - 搜狐
2018年3月28日 · U-35潜艇是德国海军在一战中取得战果最辉煌的潜艇,总共击沉了224艘协约国船只,总吨位达到54万吨。 其中担任艇长时间最长的是洛塔尔.冯.阿诺德.德.勒.佩勒。 在击沉敌方船只以前,佩勒总是耐心的允许敌方水手们登上救生艇,还彬彬有礼的指明最近的陆地方向,然后才发动攻击。 在他的指挥下,U-35潜艇击沉了195艘船只,也使佩勒成为了历史上最成功的王牌艇长。 洛塔尔.阿诺德.佩勒. U-35潜艇是双壳体结构,具有良好的远洋性能和水面航行性能。 水 …
U-35 - 舰R百科,玩家自由编辑的战舰少女R百科
U-35潜艇是该国历史上战绩吨位最高的潜艇,在长期的战斗中,击沉总吨位超过50万吨(均为商船),出于节约鱼雷和战争规则考虑,U-35一般上浮进行攻击,等待商船人员撤离后炮击击沉目标,她的炮战成绩毫不逊色于主力舰。 所以战争后期还特意升级了甲板炮的口径。 我是王牌猎手U-35,无论是伙伴还是敌人,都会为我的出现而感到高兴。 战斗要遵守规则,落败的敌人也值得尊敬。 U-156是一个可爱的孩子,也很善良。 只是缺乏了一些变通。 欺负弱小的人…你真是这么 …
SM U-35 (Germany) | Military Wiki | Fandom
SM U-35 was a German U 31-class U-boat which operated in the Mediterranean Sea during World War I. It ended up being the most successful U-boat participating in the war sinking 224 ships for a total of 539,741 tons. Her longest serving captain was Lothar von Arnauld de la Perière, who is famous...
German submarine U-35 (1936) - Wikipedia
German submarine U-35 was a Type VIIA U-boat of Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine. She was built three years before the start of World War II. The submarine was laid down on 2 March 1936 by Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft at Kiel, launched on 24 September 1936, and commissioned on 3 November that year under the command of Kapitänleutnant (Kptlt.
www.U-35.com English
2021年10月14日 · U-35 was a Frontboot (combat boat) of the 2nd U-Flotilla, "Saltzwedel", which operated out of Wilhelmshaven, Germany. U-Flotilla Saltzwedel was founded on 1 Sept 1936 under the command of Fregkpt. Werner Scheer, who held that post until July 1937. From October 1937 until September 1939, the commander was Korvettenkapitän Hans Ibbeken.