2635904 - SM50: Many work processes in status "HOLD ENQ
In SM50 transaction several work processes are running for long time program SAPLSENA or have the status "HOLD ENQ" The different causes are investigated in this decision tree: …
Solved: ENQ processes and semaphore 26 in SM66/SM50, SAPLS.
2010年4月12日 · We quite often see a number of DIA and ENQ processes in status 'running' with a Semaphore 26 error in SM66/SM50. Most of these (but not always all) show reads on tables …
2763999 - How to capture the enqueue log and analyze it with …
In SM50 or SM66, the work processes are busy with ENQ operations e.g. program SAPLSENA. Then we need to capture the enqueue log to understand the situation. The enqueue log …
SM50: ENQ Running Status with SAPLSENA Report - ITsiti
2020年4月13日 · In transaction code SM50, there are lots of work processes are stuck due to ENQ reason and the report status shown as SAPLSENA. In the trace file of the impacted work …
3110596 - Analyze the enqueue scenario with enqueue log …
Many work processes are busy on enqueue actions in T-Code: SM50 (e.g. busy with Request Enqueue or ENQ, or busy with program SAPLSENA). Here are some friendly tips and action …
SM50 in Detail: Column Overview - SAP Online Help
Used to identify messages that belong to a work process in the system log. Internal ID numbers are assigned in ascending order after the server has started. However, because dynamic …
1565578 - Lock Table Overflow - ENSA 1 - BASIS/老应 - 博客园
2024年11月22日 · On SM12 -> Extras -> Statistics the following "Maximum Fill level" reached the "Maximum Number..." All SAP NetWeaver systems. Create more additional enqueue locks …
SAP 系统性能分析 Tcode - 茱丽叶 - 博客园
2016年12月12日 · sm50:工作进程管理,一个应用服务器一般有dia,upd,enq,btc,spo五种类型的工作进程. DIA:为前台工作进程,一个instance至少要有两个DIA,否则根本起不来. UPD,UPD2是立即 …
SM50长时间运行工作进程的分析方法 - BASIS/老应 - 博客园
2025年2月18日 · 首先, 我们在SM50中选取一个工作进程, 从中可以看到它的Process PID是15604, Status是Running. 然后, 我们可以用事物代码DBACOCKPIT → Performance → Wait …
SM50 查看进程_sap liumeng 的技术博客_51CTO博客
Enqueue (ENQ) 用于设定和解除SAP锁定对象的锁定 Manages resource locks. Spool (SPO) 用于假脱机格式化处理 Manages data formatting and printing. PID: 工作进程的进程ID。 R/3系 …