HELP SM7B Mic Vocal Static - HomeRecording.com
2016年6月5日 · Recently I have been having a problem with my SM7B Microphone where the vocal input becomes staticy- Here is a recording of the issue . The Mic would start up normal …
Shure SM7B Too NOISEY??? - HomeRecording.com
2006年9月27日 · I don't have an SM7B (yet), but I do have the VTB-1 and it has plenty of gain for a dynamic (+72dB) and is actually pretty quiet for such a cheap pre. Make sure you have the …
Shure MV7 vs. SM7B for Windows PC - HomeRecording.com
2024年1月26日 · I hated the SM7B for years, now I like it. Tastes change, and without doubt the human voice is more connected to different mics than instruments are by far. An SM7B might …
SM57/58 vs. AT-2035 vs. Shure SM7B vs. - homerecording.com
2014年12月10日 · If I'm right, then you probably won't like the SM7B which is a large dynamic--know for a very warm, smooth sound quite different for a condenser. A lot get used in radio …
Help! Cloudlifter makes my Shure SM7B worse?
2018年7月5日 · If I use the Cloudlifter with the SM7B, the audio gain is incredibly low with the gain knob at 50%. If I raise the gain in adobe audition, it has so much white noise/hiss. However, if I …
Shure SM7B Mic and Compressor Question. - HomeRecording.com
2013年3月22日 · The SM7b helps a bit more than a pencil, or electrified pop filter, for stopping a singer/rapper from eating the mic. As arcaxis said, you do need a decent preamp with a …
Shure Sm7b Problems | HomeRecording.com
2022年10月12日 · Hello, @everyone ''I have a Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic Microphone and M-Track-Duo sound card and Presonus Hd9 headphones. My problem is that even though I …
Shure SM7b Handling noise? - HomeRecording.com
2018年9月11日 · I use a Fethead (22kohms) with my SM7b. No bass boost and tends to give the high end a bit more clarity. OP doesn't have the Fetheads yet. From a Focusrite article.....
what would you pay for USED? SM7b | HomeRecording.com
2018年11月10日 · But the SM7b is what it is, its worth its cost and the brain buzz of having the real deal is a great studio piece. Looking at used SM58's, its a no brainer...new $89 or used …
Famous tracks recorded with Shure SM7b... - HomeRecording.com
2009年7月8日 · FWIW a nice alternative to a SM7 is the Beyer (or Beyerdynamic) M400 Soundstar MKII. IMHO it usually works better with a prosumer mic pre vs. the SM7.