Superior mesenteric artery syndrome - Radiopaedia.org
2024年7月20日 · Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome, also known as Wilkie syndrome, cast syndrome or aortomesenteric duodenal compression syndrome, is a rare acquired vascular compression disorder in which acute angulation of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) results in compression of the third part of the duodenum, leading to obstruction.
Doppler Ultrasound of the Mesenteric Vasculature
2020年1月2日 · This examination includes evaluation of the abdominal aorta and the celiac, superior mesenteric (SMA), and inferior mesenteric (IMA) arteries. Doppler ultrasonography can accurately assess anatomic…
Superior mesenteric artery stenosis - Radiopaedia.org
2021年11月15日 · Superior mesenteric artery stenosis refers to any form of narrowing involving the superior mesenteric artery and may result from a number of factors. It can result in acute or chronic mesenteric ischemia. Several values on doppler ultrasound have been proposed that include: From a different paper: 1.
【硬件科普】ULTRA SMA OIS 记忆金属光学防抖到底是什么
SMA (shape memory alloy)即记忆合金,具有形状记忆效应(shape memory effect),是目前 形状记忆材料 中形状记忆性能最好的。该种合金的形状被改变后,一旦受热到一定的跃变温度,便又可以恢复到最初形态。
Ultrasound imaging in diagnosis of superior mesenteric artery …
2005年3月14日 · Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome (or aorto-mesenteric compass syndrome or Wilkie's disease) is a relatively rare condition caused by a short Treitz's ligament, or by an unusually low origin of the SMA causing a reduction of …
Superior mesenteric artery | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2024年12月19日 · The superior mesenteric artery (SMA) is one of the three non-paired major splanchnic arteries in the abdominal cavity arising from the abdominal aorta and supplying the midgut; i.e. from mid duodenum to distal transverse colon.
Ultrasound – Mesenteric Artery Protocol. PURPOSE: To determine the absence or presence of stenosis or aneurysm of the central visceral arteries. Duplex also used to determine location, severity, and type of pathology present. SCOPE: Applies to all ultrasound abdominal Doppler studies p erformed in:
Ultra SMA OIS —— 新一代治手抖利器! - 知乎专栏
Ultra SMA OIS —— 新一代治手抖利器! 小垣同学 魅族 18 系列手机全系采用了骁龙 888,三星 E4 发光材质,2K+120Hz 屏幕,同时搭载了新一代记忆金属 光学防抖 「 Ultra SMA OIS」 ,魅族 18 系列手机在拍照以及视频拍摄的防抖能力得到了进一步的提升。
【硬件科普】ULTRA SMA OIS 记忆金属光学防抖到底是什么
2021年5月14日 · SMA (shape memory alloy)即记忆合金,具有形状记忆效应(shape memory effect),是目前形状记忆材料中形状记忆性能最好的。 该种合金的形状被改变后,一旦受热到一定的跃变温度,便又可以恢复到最初形态。 它在航空等尖端领域有广泛的应用,例如人造卫星进入太空后受热自动展开的天线就是由记忆合金制成的。 记忆合金达到跃变温度. 为什么选用 SMA OIS. 截至目前采用 SMA OIS 的手机厂商唯有华为(P30 Pro 系列首发)与魅族(18 系列首 …
Ultrasound imaging in diagnosis of superior mesenteric artery ... - PubMed
Ultrasound power colour Doppler imaging is useful in epidemiological screening of reduced aorto-mesenteric angle to diagnose suspected cases of SMA syndrome. The authors believe that the incidence of reduced aorto-mesenteric angle and SMA syndrome might be underrated.