Romhacking.net - Games - Super Mario Bros. 2
Home to ROM hack mods, fan translations, documents, utilities, homebrew, and other learning resources.
3dsonsuce/acrylix: a script for smb2 - GitHub
Acrylix is a universal multi-game script that compiles simple yet powerful code into 1 GUI. The main script for KFC BUCKET since 2022, led by its owner tomfooler. Created with the help of …
Super Mario Bros. 2 (U) - Hack Collection - NES Ninja
Play free all the classic and 8-bit Nintendo video games online. Download retro NES game on NESNinja.com.
Best Super Mario Bros. 2 ROM Hacks: The Ultimate List
The single most amazing difficulty hack for SMB2 comes from prolific ROM hacker GlitchCat07. And it aims to bring new visitors back to Subcon after a long three decades. This hack really …
pellsson/smb: The SMB Practice ROM. - GitHub
To keep settings, frame rules and stuff persistent; configure your game system (emulator, PowerPAK, EverDrive etc.) to allow the SMB Practice ROM battery-backed WRAM. …
Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) - GameHacking.org
GameHacking.org is a community of video game hackers, and a place for codes, guides, tools, and more
Romhacking.net - Hacks - Super Mario Bros 2 (Disk Revision 3)
There is currently 1 known revision of SMB2J released by Nintendo that corrects loading code. This version is based off and builds on that one. See readme for full list of fixes. There …
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Major) Hacks - Zophar's Domain
Super Carrots: A NEW Harvest is a ROM hack of SMB2 that turns the main characters into vegetables, changes the enemies, levels, graphics, and much more. This is a hack of the …
Download Super Mario Bros. 2 Turbo Edition ROM Hack
2016年4月13日 · Download Super Mario Bros. 2 Turbo Edition ROM hack for the NES console and play the modified Super Mario Bros. 2 game on your phone or computer.
Return to Subcon - GlitchCat7
Return to Subcon is a hack intended to be enjoyably challenging and fun. The first SMB2 Kaizo hack ever made, using SMB2Edit by master coder dtothefourth. This Warpie-Award-Winning …