List of submachine guns - Wikipedia
This is a list of submachine guns. It includes Submachine guns (SMG), Machine pistols (MP), Personal defense weapon systems (PDW), and "compact submachine gun-like weapons" not …
M56 submachine gun - Wikipedia
The M56 submachine gun is a Yugoslavian submachine gun chambered in 7.62×25mm Tokarev, designed for use with the Yugoslav People's Army. Initially a state-funded product, it was later …
Type 56 assault rifle - Wikipedia
The Type 56 (Chinese: 56式突击步枪; literally; "Assault Rifle, Model of 1956") [12] is a Chinese 7.62×39mm automatic rifle, a licensed derivative of the Soviet-designed AK-47 (specifically …
79式7.62毫米轻型冲锋枪是 中国 设计制造的第一种轻型冲锋枪,是我军80年代侦察兵、现今武警部队、公安干警的单兵自动化武器。 它设计定型已20多年,到当今已生产了近30万支,广泛 …
Chinese Thompson SMG - Forgotten Weapons
2011年1月12日 · China also modified Stens 7,62×25 after 1949. http://waffen-welt.de/showthread.php?t=3150. The Stens came from Canada during WWII. The Thompson …
7.62×25mm托卡列夫手槍彈 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7.62×25mm托卡列夫手槍彈(俄语:7,62 mm Tokarev (7,62×25 Tokarev) )是具有瓶状外形的半凸缘弹药,是苏联在德国7.63×25毫米毛瑟弹的基础上发展起来的。它与德国弹药筒的不同之 …
Sudayev PPS-43 7.62 x 25 FULL AUTO SMG Polish 1951 - GUNS NZ
The PPS (Russian: ППС – "Пистолет-пулемёт Судаева" or "Pistolet-pulemyot Sudayeva", in English: "Sudayev's submachine-gun") is a family of Soviet submachine guns chambered in …
LWRC For Sale | LWRC International | LWRCI - Omaha Outdoors
LWRCI manufacturers 90% of the parts for this high-performance rifle brand with quality control and manufacturing consistency second to none. Shop Omaha Outdoors for LWRCI weaponry …
7.62 x 25 Sten Variation - Sten, Sterling, and Lanchester SMG …
2014年5月27日 · Turns out it was a handmade "Khyber Pass" Sten in 7.62 x 25. Never fired it but a 9mm would chamber almost and was way to big for the barrel but a 7.62 x 25 fit nicely.
Nicer Than It Looks: Yugoslav M56 at the Range
2022年5月18日 · The Yugoslav M56 is a hybrid of the MP40 general design with the Soviet 7.62x25mm Tokarev cartridge, and a gun whose practical shootability is surprisingly better …