STV Studios | Logopedia | Fandom
1 SMG Productions 1.1 2000–2006 1.2 2006–2008 2 STV Productions 2.1 2008–2009 2.2 2009–2014 2.3 2014–2020 3 STV Studios 3.1 2020–present
SMG Productions - Audiovisual Identity Database
On Take Me, the logo shares the screen with the Coastal Productions logo, with the text underneath reading "a coastal and smg tv production". The logo is also superimposed onto the same background as the end credits.
SMG4 | Logopedia | Fandom
The logo was still used in thumbnails of the videos alongside the 2019 one until 2023; it is also used on concept art for the series. The logo was first seen on some merchandise for SMG4 Movie: WESTERN SPAGHETTI (Meggy & Tari Animatez & Poster). It made its proper debut in SMG4: THE NEW CASTLE!!.
The Media Merchants Production (UK) - Closing Logo Group
Availability: Appears on seasons 5-17 of Art Attack, ZZZap!, Quids In, WOW, and Terror Towers, among others. The former also has this logo intact on UK VHS releases such as Art Attack: The Top 20, Art Attack: Christmas Cracker, Art Attack: Let's Party!, and Art Attack 8: Greatest Tips and Tricks from Contender Entertainment Group.
STV Studios - Audiovisual Identity Database
Visuals: On a white background, the 2006 logo is seen without "stv" inside the larger "s". Rather, said text appears below the letter and is in dark blue while next to " productions ".
上海广播电视台官方网站(上海文广集团) - SMG
YouTubeSMG上海文广及尚世影业的历代Logo演变, 视频播放量 20477、弹幕量 11、点赞数 69、投硬币枚数 1、收藏人数 97、转发人数 4, 视频作者 狙击王资料库, 作者简介 以后任何伸手党、白嫖资源者和管我问各种白痴问题的人,一律拉黑不谢,相关视频:优扬 Logo,原创 ...
STV Studios/Other | Logopedia | Fandom
The logo stopped appearing on national shows, but the logo continued to appear on regional programmes until 2003. Only used on regional shows.
标志释义 上海广播电视台、上海东方传媒集团有限公司的标志,以英语字母“SMG”为形,是企业英文名称Shanghai Media Group的首字母缩写。 标志标准形式色彩标准 标志标准形式使用时应严格按照色彩标准规范,禁止使用其它非标准色彩。 标志单色应用形式及色彩标准 标志单色应用形式(金、银)为标志的辅助应用形式,使用时应严格按照色彩标准规范,禁止使用其他非标准色彩。 标志在有底色背景上的使用范围 1) SMG标志标准形式只能在明度小于或等于20%K的背景色上使用。 2) …
File:SMG TV Productions (2001, Clerkenwell Films Co …
2024年5月5日 · This file is sourced from a copyrighted television program, whose copyrights are likely held by the program's production studio and/or publishers.This file qualifies for copyright exemptions in the United States under the country's fair use doctrine.