Monoclonal antibodies SMI 311 and SMI 312 as tools to ... - PubMed
Optimal immunostaining with SMI 311 and SMI 312 is achieved when specimens are fixed in a mixture of paraformaldehyde and picric acid for up to 3 days and sections are incubated free-floating. Neurons, with their dendritic domains immunostained by SMI 311 in a Golgi-like manner, can be completely visualized in relatively thick sections.
Anti-Neurofilament Marker (pan-neuronal, cocktail) - BioLegend
SMI 311 provides an early marker of neuronal migration and differentiation in human fetal development yielding Golgi-like images without the disadvantages of lack of selectivity and poor specificity of the Golgi technique.
Purified anti-Neurofilament Marker (pan axonal, cocktail)
SMI 312 is a mixture of monoclonal antibodies that react against complex networks of axons. It is directed against extensively phosphorylated axonal epitopes on neurofilaments M and H. SMI 312 has been selected to provide a specific marker for axons in tissue sections and cultures.
Nature|我院袁鹏合作发现损害阿尔茨海默症中神经网络功能的新机 …
2022年12月1日 · 左图:免疫荧光标记的阿尔茨海默病人脑中的神经纤维蛋白SMI-312; 右图:在5xFAD小鼠中通过腺病毒介导的在淀粉样沉积周围的神经束标记。 这一病变结构传统上称为营养不良性神经突 (dystrophic neurites),被认为是轴突损伤后的退行性结构。...
Neurofilament, Pan-Axonal (SMI-312) - ALZFORUM
visualizes axons in an area-specific maturation patternin human fetal brain; visualizes aberrantly sprouting axons in neuriticplaques derived from cortico-cortical fibers in A.D. and identifies loss of synaptic circuitry. No Available Comments. To make a comment you must login or register. No Available References. No Available Further Reading.
Monoclonal antibodies SMI 311 and SMI 312 as tools to …
Optimal immunostaining with SMI 311 and SMI 312 is achieved when specimens are fixed in a mixture of paraformaldehyde and picric acid for up to 3 days and sections are incubated free-floating. Neurons, with their dendritic domains immunostained by SMI 311 in a Golgi-like manner, can be completely visualized in relatively thick sections.
Purified anti-Neurofilament Marker (pan axonal, cocktail) …
(G–I) Untransfected (G), Medium (H), and High B (I) differentiated for 7 days stained with antibody SMI-312 that stains proteins, but predominantly . All cells showed SMI-312 positive neuronal processes consistent with differentiated morphology.
(ab24574) Anti-Neurofilament antibody [SMI-312] - Abcam
46 citations – A mouse monoclonal antibody, raised against Neurofilament medium polypeptide (Human), supplied by Abcam.
- 评论数: 46
An antibody against phosphorylated neurofilaments identifies a …
We studied axonal damage in Alzheimer's disease frontal cortex and hippocampus with a novel monoclonal antibody (SMI 312) against phosphorylated neurofilaments. This antibody immunolabeled, with great detail, the neuropil axonal network. In aged normal cases only a few pyramidal cell perikarya were …
Pan-Axonal Neurofilament Marker (SMI 312) Monoclonal …
2024年12月9日 · SMI 312 visualizes aberrantly sprouting axons in neuritic plaques derived from cortico-cortical fibers in Alzheimers disease and identifies loss of synaptic circuitry proposed to be the basis of memory. This antibody is effective in immunoblotting, immunocytochemistry and …