GitHub - uyha/sml2: sml2: C++20 State machine library which …
The easiest way would be to include/import sml2. If it compiles it works! You can also test different compilers on godbolt here - https://godbolt.org/z/W9rP94cYK. Can I use SML2 at compile …
Work In Progress: Complete List of NA (US) Game Boy Cartridge …
2019年10月31日 · No, just the SML2 CIB. I own the one pictured. I try to keep my eye out for a SML CIB. How did you hear they were in a set? We've been trying to figure out where these …
2024年6月22日 · 总结: sml2是一款针对现代c++设计的高效、轻量级状态机库,以其先进的技术和易用性特性,成为众多项目中不可或缺的一环。不论是对于初学者还是经验丰富的开发者而 …
推荐一款高效能的C++状态机库——SML - CSDN博客
2024年5月15日 · SML(State Machine Language)是一个轻量级的C++14单头文件状态机库,无需任何依赖。 它的设计灵感来源于Boost库,但更加简洁易用,并且提供了一种声明式的方式 …
qlibs/sml: C++20 State Machine library - GitHub
C++20 State Machine library. Contribute to qlibs/sml development by creating an account on GitHub.
SML(State Machine Libray)学习 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
一个用boost实现的 状态机 库。 关于状态机的相关知识查阅其他文档,这里不在述说。 什么情况下,你会使用它? 请看下面的文件,如果你的代码和下面代码一样,感到迷惑或者逻辑复杂 …
SML is an eager PL. All arguments to a function are evaluated on entry. A function is strict in an argument if it always uses that argument; then it’s safe to evaluate that argument on entry. …
sml2: C++20 State machine library which fully tests itself at
2023年9月6日 · sml2 doesn't have anything like that yet, but sml (previous version) allows to convert state machine transition table into plant uml diagram (https://plantuml.com/). For …
sml2 (sml2) - GitHub
MMF will success. sml2 has 8 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
What are some good GB or GBC games that are best on (or ... - Reddit
2020年9月9日 · SML2 is better and worth a play. Metroid 2 is, IMHO, the best in the series and a perfect 10 considering it conveys an entire story, without dialog, and was an early release …