SwimXYZ: A large-scale dataset of synthetic swimming ... - GitHub …
SwimXYZ contains 3.4 million frames annotated with ground truth 2D and 3D joints, as well as 240 sequences of swimming motions in the SMPL parameters format. In addition to making this dataset publicly available, we present use cases for SwimXYZ in swimming stroke clustering and 2D pose estimation.
SwimXYZ: Butterfly videos (Part 1)|游泳技术数据集|视频分析数据集
We introduce SwimXYZ, a synthetic dataset of swimming motions and videos. SwimXYZ contains 3.4 million frames annotated with ground truth 2D and 3D joints, as well as 240 sequences of swimming motions in the SMPL parameters format. You …
[2310.04360] SwimXYZ: A large-scale dataset of synthetic swimming ...
2023年10月6日 · SwimXYZ contains 3.4 million frames annotated with ground truth 2D and 3D joints, as well as 240 sequences of swimming motions in the SMPL parameters format. In addition to making this dataset publicly available, we present use cases for SwimXYZ in swimming stroke clustering and 2D pose estimation.
GitHub - ZhengyiLuo/SMPLSim: Simulating SMPL humanoid, …
smpl_sim is a pip-installable library containing a modelization of the SMPL humanoid in different simulators (MUJOCO and Isaac Gym). It is a minimal library to support simple humanoid tasks, and is the basis library for doing more complicated tasks such as motion imitation.
人体动作捕捉与SMPL模型 (mocap and SMPL model) - 知乎
2020年7月5日 · SMPL模型设定的基模版 \bar{\mathbf{T}} 是通过统计大量的真实人体mesh,得到的均值形状。通过对主要形状成分(Principal Shape Components)或者称之为端点偏移(Vertex Deviations)进行线性组合,并且在基模版上进行叠加,我们就形成了静默姿态的mesh。
SwimXYZ: Annotations and swimming motions in the SMPL …
2023年10月3日 · We introduce SwimXYZ, a synthetic dataset of swimming motions and videos. SwimXYZ contains 3.4 million frames annotated with ground truth 2D and 3D joints, as well as 240 sequences of swimming motions in the SMPL parameters format.
SwimXYZ: A large-scale dataset of synthetic swimming motions …
SwimXYZ contains 3.4 million frames annotated with ground truth 2D and 3D joints, as well as 240 sequences of swimming motions in the SMPL parameters format. In addition to making this dataset publicly available, we present use cases for SwimXYZ in swimming stroke clustering and 2D pose estimation.
SwimXYZ:合成游泳动作和视频的大规模数据集,arXiv - CS
2023年10月6日 · SwimXYZ 包含 340 万个带有地面真实 2D 和 3D 关节注释的帧,以及 SMPL 参数格式的 240 个游泳运动序列。 技术在体育运动中发挥着越来越重要的作用,并成为从中受益的运动员的真正竞争优势。 其中,动作捕捉的使用正在各种运动中发展,以优化运动姿势。 不幸的是,传统的动作捕捉系统价格昂贵且受到限制。 由于水生环境,最近开发的基于计算机视觉的方法在游泳等某些运动中也遇到了困难。 性能差距的原因之一是缺乏带有游泳视频的标记数据集 …
SMPL 模型使用教程 - CSDN博客
2024年8月8日 · SMPL(Skinned Multi-Person Linear Model)是一种基于皮肤权重和混合形状的三维人体模型,它从数千个三维人体扫描数据中学习得出。 该模型可以用于人体姿态和形状的建模,适用于动画、游戏开发以及人体运动分析等领域。 SMPL 提供了 Python、Maya 和 Unity 等不同环境下的接口和工具。 2. 项目快速启动. 首先,你需要克隆 SMPL 的 GitHub 仓库: 安装依赖项(假设你已经安装了 Python 和 pip): 接下来,你可以运行提供的示例代码来加载和使用 …
SwimXYZ: A large-scale dataset of synthetic swimming motions
SwimXYZ contains 3.4 million frames annotated with ground truth 2D and 3D joints, as well as 240 sequences of swimming motions in the SMPL parameters format. In addition to making this dataset publicly available, we present use cases for SwimXYZ in swimming stroke clustering and 2D pose estimation.
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