SMQ1 and SMQ2 (SAP Library - BC Queued Remote Function Call …
Call transaction SMQ1. On the following screen, you can enter the queue name and the queue destination. To view the specified queue, choose Execute. To display only those queues that have errors, choose Waiting Queues Only. Call transaction SMQ2. On the following screen, you can enter the queue name. To view the specified queue, choose Execute.
Why we use these Tcodes SM58, SMQ1 and SMQ2 - SAP …
2008年4月18日 · SM58: To check the status of the tRFC calls. SMQ1 – qRFC Monitor for the outbound queue You use this transaction to monitor the status of the LUWs in the outbound queue and restart any hanging queues manually. ·SMQ2 – qRFC Monitor for the inbound queue. You use this transaction to monitor the status of the LUWs in the outbound queue.
SMQ1 SMQ2 - What does - SAP Community
2016年7月2日 · SMQ1 shows the outbound qRFC entries of this system (the system where you are logged on to when you execute SMQ1). This transaction also shows the "destination", which is the target system. SMQ2 shows the inbound qRFC entries of this system.
smq1 , smq2 and sm58 related table groups in sap - SAP …
2013年11月8日 · Solved: Hi Team , Could you please provided table details for smq1 , smq2 and sm58 tcode in sap . We need to rebuild few index for the tables specific to the above
2021年12月14日 · SMQ1有2个订单号无法在APO中创建,报上面错误,但刘宇鹏顾问认为这2个订单不是整车订单,不应该传入APO模块中。 黄老师认为主数据包含了,所以APO也需要传输。 最后经检查发现,这2个订单在S4中已经被删除了,所以造成APO端报错。 如何清楚的查看队列堵塞由哪些队列中的单元引起? 事务代码:/n/SAPAPO/cq. 第一个qRFC 是SMQ1队列,第二个qRFC是SMQ2队列: 文章浏览阅读3.8k次,点赞3次,收藏8次。 APO CIF队列故障有如下特 …
SAP 批量处理SMQ1、SMQ2消息队列 - CSDN博客
2022年4月26日 · 把程序名称改为outbound,也有标准的function可以对smq1(s4出栈)的消息批量解锁和重处理,比如我们要重启动smq1,就使用/sapapo/cif_outbound_restart函数: 确定要放弃本次机会?
3457115 - Monitoring SMQ1 in System Monitoring - SAP
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SMQ1 SAP tcode for – qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)
SMQ1 tcode in SAP BC (Middleware in Basis) module. This transaction code is used for qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue). Here is it details, technical data etc.
How to monitor actions performed by users in SMQ1/SMQ2 - SAP
Actions performed by users in SMQ1/SMQ2 need to be monitored. "Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental." Read more...
Queue Status in SMQ1 and Table ARFCRSTATE - SAP Online Help
Depending on the way a Logical Unit of Work (LUW) is processed, an inbound queue, outbound queue or table ARFCRSTATE (status table of the LUWs in the tRFC/qRFC target system) can have different statuses. The following statuses may be displayed in transaction SMQ1: · The queue is ready for transmission.