Home :: SMR Automotive
Samvardhana Motherson Reflectec (SMR) develops and manufactures rear view mirror system and intelligent camera technologies for the automotive industry. It is a member of the Motherson Group, one of the 22 largest automotive suppliers worldwide.
South Korean SMR design approved by regulator
2024年9月19日 · SMART is a 330 MWt pressurised water reactor with integral steam generators and advanced safety features. The unit is designed for electricity generation (up to 100 MWe) as well as thermal applications, such as seawater desalination, with a 60-year design life and three-year refuelling cycle.
Korea’s proven zero-carbon energy technology and operational capabilities are It is now providing new strength to countries around the world considering carbon-free energy. Based on the technology and capabilities we have accumulated over decades, we are introducing safer, more economical, and more flexible nuclear energy.
NuScale to build Korea’s first SMR in Uljin, home to native Korean ...
NuScale Power Corp. is expected to build its first small modular reactor (SMR) plant in South Korea in Uljin, already home to Korean native nuclear power plants, in a move to deepen SMR ties between Seoul and Washington and pave the way for Korean energy companies’ ascent in the SMR market set to grow to 630 trillion won ($476.1 billion) by 2035.
혁신형 SMR 기술개발사업단
We will develop an i-SMR with a variety of uses that can achieve carbon neutrality through dramatically improved safety compared to existing nuclear power plants, economic efficiency at the level of large nuclear power plants through the application of innovative technology, and flexibility through harmony with new and renewable energy.
Light water SMR development status in Korea - ScienceDirect
2024年4月1日 · South Korea, one of the world's most prominent nuclear energy countries, has been actively pursuing SMR technology development for the past two decades. The light water SMR R&D programs in Korea with their design characteristics are described in this paper. SMART adopts advanced design features to enhance safety, reliability, and economic ...
Chungcheongbuk-do :: SMR Automotive
SMR Korea is one of the largest employers in this attractive high-tech industrial cluster region. The SMR Korea headquarter is located in Ochang. Join our team and help us shape world class vehicles with our products. SMR Korea is an automotive module company representing Korea.
global - SMR Automotive
170, Gwahaksaneop 1-ro, Oksan-myeon, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 363-911 South Korea
South Korea’s SMART100 SMR approved - neimagazine.com
2024年10月3日 · South Korea’s Nuclear Safety & Security Commission (NSSC) has been granted standard design approval for the SMART100 small modular reactor (SMR) design. The SMART100 (System-integrated Modular Advanced Reactor 100) is based on the original SMART design, which was the world’s first SMR to receive standard design approval in 2012.
혁신형 SMR 기술개발사업단
- 양 기관 상호 연계체제 확립 - 현장실습 및 견학 - 인적·물리적 지원 - 기타 양 기관이 필요로 하는 분야의 교류. 2024년 11월 27일부터 29일까지 서울 COEX에서 개최된 "2024 산업기술 R&D 종합대전"에 i-SMR의 개발성과를 홍보하는 전시관을 개관하여 운영함. 리플렛 내의 자료의 사용은 사업단과 협의하여 주시기 바랍니다. Copyrightⓒ 2023 혁신형소형모듈원자로기술개발사업단. All Rights Reserved.