CSP ® technology - SMS group
Today, CSP ® (Compact Strip Production) is the world’s leading thin slab technology. Pioneered by SMS group in 1989, it has transformed the world of flat steel production – and continues to do so. Launching the CSP ® Nexus plant, SMS moved a great leap forward to efficient integrated casting and rolling of green steel.
CSP ® Nexus - SMS group
CSP ® Nexus is the new thin slab casting and direct rolling solution from SMS group, which combines high productivity with maximum product quality. It takes full advantage of high throughput casting and the latest developments in hot rolling to utilize the batch and endless operation modes where this is beneficial.
CSP® Nexus, Pickling Line, Cold Mill, Temper Mill and Galvanizing Line Supplied by SMS
马钢热轧酸洗产线介绍 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年9月25日 · CSP生产线简介. 马钢CSP(Compact Strip Plant短流程带钢生产线)为 薄板坯连铸连轧 工艺, 生产线由德国SMS-Demag总包,设计生产规模为 热轧板卷 200万吨/年。产品大纲主要包括碳素结构钢、优质碳素结构钢和低合金高强度结构钢。
【技术】连铸连轧总结,各种“SP”们! - 搜狐
2017年12月5日 · 世界各钢铁发达国家已相继开发了各具特色的薄板坯连铸连轧技术,主要有德国SMS公司开发的CSP、德国德马克公司开发的ISP(InlineStrip Production)、日本新日铁·住金公司开发的QSP(QualitySlabProduction)、意大利达涅利公司开发的FTSR(FlexibleThinSlabRolling)和奥钢联 ...
Big River Steel – Operational results from the world’s ... - SMS group
Big River Steel (BRS) is the latest in technological exploitation in CSP® technology. The company focuses on a highly flexible production of value added steel grades. The article describes the plant technology and presents impressive operational results.
SMS Group GmbH:CSP技术 - vitsmart.com
The CSP® technology from SMS group combines cost-effective and environmentally friendly production with a high productivity and excellent strip quality.
JSW Orders Casting & Rolling Plant from SMS group
Leading steel manufacturer JSW STEEL (Dolvi Works) has placed an order with SMS group to supply its trailblazing CSP® Nexus plant, which will fundamentally transform flat steel production. The plant, the third of its kind worldwide, not only promises maximum productivity, but also expands the product mix in terms of widths and thicknesses.
CSP vs SMS : r/SafetyProfessionals - Reddit
2023年6月23日 · Not sure what you have but if you get SMS and already have CSP it covers most of your recert CEUs. But to answer your question, no one who understands the BCSP certs recognizes SMS as equivalent to CSP. Current CSP, CHST here. Wondering what the thoughts are with CSP vs SMS.
Compact Strip Production - SpringerLink
2023年7月4日 · Compact strip production is a thin slab continuous casting and rolling process developed by Schroman-Simak Company (SMS), which is usually called CSP process. In 1985, SMS of Federal Republic of Germany improved the vertical-bending caster in Busch Steel Plant, and successfully cast a thin slab with a thickness of 50 mm on the traditional ...