SM U-151 - Wikipedia
SM U-151 or SM Unterseeboot 151 ( ex U Oldenburg) was a World War I U-boat of the Imperial German Navy, constructed by Reiherstieg Schiffswerfte & Maschinenfabrik at Hamburg and …
Regulation of ciaXRH Operon Expression and Identification of the …
Of the 8 downregulated genes, SMU.150 and SMU.151 are mutacin IV structural genes, SMU.423, SMU.1905, and SMU.1906 encode bacteriocin-like peptides with unknown function. …
Frontiers | RNA-Seq Reveals Enhanced Sugar Metabolism in …
2017年6月7日 · Here, we observed that scrA (SMU_1841), scrB (SMU_1843), and scrK (SMU_1840) were significantly up-regulated in dual-species biofilms (vs. single species S. …
Peptide alarmone signalling triggers an auto-active bacteriocin ...
S. mutans isogenic mutants were generated to be defective in mutacin IV (SMU.150, SMU.151), mutacin V (SMU.1914) and GG-motif-containing peptides (SMU.423, SMU.1906).
Bacteriocin (Mutacin) Production by Streptococcus mutans …
Although mutacin IV was originally characterized from S. mutans UA140, the nlmAB locus (SMU.150 and SMU.151 for nlmA and nlmB, respectively) was identified in the genome …
Phenotypic Heterogeneity of Genomically-Diverse Isolates of
2013年4月16日 · The distribution of predicted bacteriocins (Smu.1902, Smu.1906, Smu.150, Smu.151, Smu.423 and Smu.1914) and putative immunity proteins (Smu.1909, Smu.1913, …
Quorum sensing - Streptococcus mutans UA159 (serotype c) - KEGG
Quorum sensing (QS) is a regulatory system that allows bacteria to share information about cell density and adjust gene expression accordingly.
KEGG T00100: SMU_151
SMU_151 CDS T00100 : Name (GenBank) hypothetical protein. KO: K20322 : mutacin IV: Organism: smu Streptococcus mutans UA159 (serotype c) Pathway: smu02024 : Quorum …
SMU-151 - AcademiaLab
SM U-151 o SM Unterseeboot 151 (ex U Oldenburg) fue un submarino de la Primera Guerra Mundial de la Armada Imperial Alemana, construido por Reiherstieg Schiffswerfte & …
stat151 - SMU - Introduction to statistics - Studocu
Studying stat151 Introduction to statistics at Singapore Management University? On Studocu you will find 25 practice materials, 22 tutorial work, 17 lecture notes.