SN 1885A - Wikipedia
SN 1885A (also S Andromedae) was a supernova in the Andromeda Galaxy, the only one seen in that galaxy so far by astronomers. It was the first supernova ever seen outside the Milky Way, …
SN 1885A - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SN 1885A (也稱為 仙女座S)是一顆曾於 仙女座星系 (M 31)出現的 超新星,也是目前唯一一顆在該星系被發現的超新星,以及天文學家第一次觀測到 銀河系 外的 超新星 [1],虽然当时 …
仙女座S超新星 - 百度百科
1885年8月19日爱尔兰业余天文学家艾萨克·瓦德(Issac Ward)、爱沙尼亚Dorpat天文台的Ernst Hartwig(1851-1923)等名观测者独立发现位于仙女座星系的明亮淡红色天体----仙女座S(天文学 …
The nature of S Andromedae (SN 1885A) - NASA Technical …
The spectral data on S Andromedae, or SN 1885A, which indicate that it was a type I supernova, are reexamined, and it is concluded that SN 1885A belongs to a supernova class distinct from …
SN 1885A - 百度百科
SN 1885A(也称为仙女座S)是一颗曾于 仙女座星系 (M 31)出现的 超新星,以及第一颗被观测到位于 银河系 外的超新星。 1885年 8月19日,业余天文爱好者Isaac Ward在贝尔法斯特市( …
这大概是最全的一次超新星科普! - 知乎专栏
自1885年以来,即使一年之中只发现了一颗超新星,字母表示法也一直被使用(例如:sn 1885a、sn 1907a等),而一次一年之内只发现一颗超新星是1947年发现的sn 1947a。1987年以前,超 …
SN 1885AFacts - Universe Guide
SN 1885A is a Supernova Remnant located in the constellation of Andromeda in the northern hemisphere. SN 1885A is not a Messier Object and doesn't have a Messier Number. SN …
SN 1885A - Wikiwand
SN 1885A was a supernova in the Andromeda Galaxy, the only one seen in that galaxy so far by astronomers. It was the first supernova ever seen outside the Milky...
Centenary of S Andromedae (SN 1885a) | Highlights of Astronomy ...
Observations by Hartwig, Wolf, Dunér and Bigourdan are used to show that SN 1885a reached M V (max) = −18.8 ± 0.5 on 17 or 18 August 1885. The lightcurve of S And is found to have …
SN 1885A and supernova remnants in the centre of M31 with …
2024年10月29日 · From the 2.6\sigma tentative detection in X-ray, our analysis shows that non-thermal emission is expected to dominate the SN 1885A emission. Comparing our results with …
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