Peculiarities in XPS spectra of Sn/SiO2 layers as an effect of …
2024年6月1日 · In this paper, we report synchrotron X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies of a SnO 2-x /Sn:SiO 2-x composite layer treated with Ar ions etching and the presence of a shift in the core level spectra due to significant surface charging as a result of the conductive/insulating nature of the constituent elements of the composite layer.
XPS spectra of (a) full spectrum, (b) Sn3d and (c) O1s.
The high-resolution deconvoluted XPS spectra for Sn3d are shown in Fig. 6 (b). Two Sn 4+ peaks with binding energies of 487.11 (Sn3d5/2) and 495.19 eV (Sn3d3/2) are observed.
Suppression of Sn - ScienceDirect
2021年12月1日 · In this work, in order to suppress the Sn 2+ /Sn 4+ oxidation and to improve perovskite film morphology, we propose a new approach, i.e. fabrication of the mesoporous Sn-based perovskite solar cells (Sn-PSCs) based on a photoactive composite of mixed-organic-cation tin halide perovskite/graphene-tin quantum dots (i.e., FAx MA 1−x SnI 3/rGO-Sn QD...
XPS spectra of Sn 3d for tin oxide-based powders before and …
The tin spectrum (Figure 3d) revealed the characteristic peaks of Sn II and Sn IV at 486.37 and 494.64 eV, sequentially [33].
Resolving Oxidation States and X–site Composition of Sn …
2022年12月9日 · Reliable chemical state analysis of Sn semiconductors by XPS is hindered by the marginal observed binding energy shift in the Sn 3d region. For hybrid Sn-based perovskites especially, errors associated with charge referencing can easily exceed chemistry-related shifts.
锡 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
以外来 C1s 谱峰 (284.8 eV) 作为基准进行氧化物荷电校正。 • 采集 XPS 价带谱,以区分 SnO 和 SnO2。 Sn3d 区域具有明显的自旋轨道分裂峰 (Δ 金属 =8.4 eV)。 金属峰的峰形不对称。 观察到锡金属的 3d 3/2 自旋轨道分裂峰的高结合能侧有能量损失特征谱。 SnO 和 SnO 2 的结合能相似。 使用 XPS 价带谱来区分这些氧化物。 根据考古证据,据信人们使用锡的历史至少有5500年,使其成为最早已知的金属之一。 锡在地壳中的含量很小,约0.001%。 锡从矿物锡石中提取而得。 …
Sn-loss effect in a Sn-implanted - ScienceDirect
2016年3月30日 · In this paper we present the results of an electronic structure study via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), photoluminescence (PL) probing, and density functional calculations (DFT) for a -SiO 2 host-matrices implanted …
XPS spectra of Sn surface: (a) survey scan; high resolution XPS …
The presence of Sn, O, and C elements was confirmed in the XPS data, as shown in Figure 3a, with high-resolution XPS spectra for Sn 3d 3/2 and Sn 3d 5/2 ( Figure 3b).
请教Sn的XPS数据如何分析? - 催化 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区
发现Sn(IV)的XPS峰位于497.8eV、487.8eV。 一般文献中Sn(IV)峰位在487.6,495.7eV。 请教大家怎样解释?
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Reference Pages: Tin
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA) curve fitting procedures, reference materials and useful notes are listed here to provide a starting point for the consistent interpretation of XPS spectra.
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