The VeriFinder SN11-N is a compact, lightweight, ergonomically balanced handheld radio-isotope identification device (RIID) with patented and field-proven Discovery Technology®. It provides simple color-coded isotope classification alongside high accuracy radiation detection and isotope identification where similar instruments struggle.
Handheld radio-isotope identification device - Verifinder
Versatile Performance: Ideally suited for secondary inspections & emergency situations. Solves Detection Challenges: Simultaneous & accurate identification of multiple detected isotopes. User-Friendly Design: A fast, precise, robust, & easy to operate system. Dependable: Ensures reliability with its continuous calibration & health monitoring.
VeriFinder - LAURUS Systems
The VeriFinder is the latest handheld radio-isotope identifier (RIID) from Symetrica, built with Discovery Technology®, the market leading technology for handheld identifiers.
Verifinder Fast, Accurate & Rugged Handheld Riid With Class …
The VeriFinder is easy to use handheld radio-isotope identification device (RIID). The VeriFinder uses patented, field-proven Discovery Technology® that provides easy to use, accurate, radiation detection and identification for Cargo Inspection, Homeland Security and Emergency use.
比赛复盘总结-Kaggle-Riiid-1-赛题基础信息 - 知乎
Riiid Labs是一家为教育市场提供创造性颠覆的人工智能解决方案提供商,它授权全球教育参与者重新思考利用人工智能学习的传统方式。 怀着对 教育机会均等 的坚定信念,Riiid于2017年推出了一款基于深度学习算法的AI导师,吸引了超过100万名韩国学生。 今年,该公司发布了EdNet,这是世界上最大的人工智能教育开放数据库,包含超过1亿个学生互动。 在这个竞赛中,你的挑战是创建“知识追踪”的算法,即随着时间推移对学生知识的建模。 目标是准确预测学生在未来互动中 …
Project numbers: SL13-FY13-187-PD03, OR13-CldBasedRIIDS-PD03 1. INTRODUCTION A significant limitation in the operational utility of handheld and backpack radioisotope identifiers (RIIDs) is the ability of their onboard algorithms to accurately and reliably identify the isotopic sources of the measured gamma-
全球辐射同位素识别装置 (RIID)行业总体规模、主要厂商及IPO上 …
SN-011 (SN-011) - 药物靶点:STING_在研适应症:肿瘤_专利_临 …
SN-011, a promising STING inhibitor, has not been reported in studies of its anti-AKI activity. In this study, we sought to examine the effects of SN-011 on AKI and explore its underlying mechanism.
大型、高灵敏度晶体与智能算法相结合,可以快速、准确,并同时检测和识别多种核素,即使在复杂的屏蔽或屏蔽场景,通常在30秒内完成检测工作。 支持多种闪烁晶体,包括NaI (Tl)、CeBr3 和LaBr3 (Ce)、HPGe,以优化性能跨多个应用程序。 融合了数十年的检测和识别算法行业专业知识以及先进的硬件、电气和软件系统。 提供了最快,最准确的核素识别能力。 特别的大按钮设计,支持单手操作,即使是在穿着防护服的情况下。
帕库传感器|热式流量开关|料位开关|微型齿轮流量 计|智能涡轮流量 …
阻差值被用作判断流速的依据。 无活动 部件,免维护,安装方. 力损失,结构紧凑,LED 显示流动趋势及开关状态。