SNCF Class 141R - Wikipedia
The SNCF 141 R is a class of 2-8-2 steam locomotives of the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (French State Railways). They were used all over the French rail network from …
141 R — Wikipédia
La 141 R 568, de première série, à Gray en 1981. Les Mikado de la série 141 R numéros 1 à 1340 sont des locomotives à vapeur unifiées de la SNCF qui furent largement utilisées pour …
État 141-001 to 141-250 - Wikipedia
État 141-001 to 141-250 was a series of 2-8-2 steam locomotives of the Chemins de Fer de l'État. The series of 250 engines, numbered 141-001 to 141-250 were built in 1921. They were …
History of the 141 R - A Precursor to CSR's New White Paper
2016年1月26日 · The SNCF needed a rugged, light-weight, and powerful dual-purpose locomotive to aid in reconstruction, and they turned to North America for a solution. That solution evolved …
The 141-R, conquest of the West, but in France - IXO COLLECTIONS
The 318 141-P locomotives, at the time the SNCF's most modern model since they were designed in 1942, were certainly the 141-R's competitors. But the ‘R's proved to be more …
2024年2月21日 · Nicknamed "three-legs" by the railwaymen, these carriages were used on omnibuses throughout France in conjunction with the 141-R, diesel or electric traction, as well …
The 141-r: parisian, of course, but rarely seen in smart stations
2024年2月15日 · The 141-R was mainly used to pull the heavy freight trains on which the recovery of the French economy depended. Pictured here, next to a locomotive, a Citroën …
Les 141 P-1 à 318 SNCF - DocRail
141 P 205 et tender 34 P 34 du dépot d’Argentan en gare de Dreux coté Paris. Chaville, sens Paris Province. Passage en gare de Clamart, cette gare possède, toujours aujourd’hui, une …
Séries - les 141-R - Patrimoine Ferroviaire Français
La série des 141-R a été construite aux Etats-Unis afin de rééquiper la France. Construites à 1340 exemplaires selon un modèle inédit en France et conçu par Baldwin Locomotive Works à …
141 R 1199 - Wikipedia
141 R 1199 is a preserved French steam locomotive of the SNCF Class 141Rs. The locomotive is classified as a Monument historique since 1984. Locomotive 1199 was built at the Baldwin …