SNCF Class 141R - Wikipedia
The SNCF 141 R is a class of 2-8-2 steam locomotives of the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (French State Railways). They were used all over the French rail network from 1945 to 1974.
141 R — Wikipédia
La 141 R 568, de première série, à Gray en 1981. Les Mikado de la série 141 R numéros 1 à 1340 sont des locomotives à vapeur unifiées de la SNCF qui furent largement utilisées pour tous services sur l'ensemble du réseau français de 1945 à 1974.
History of the 141 R - A Precursor to CSR's New White Paper
2016年1月26日 · The SNCF needed a rugged, light-weight, and powerful dual-purpose locomotive to aid in reconstruction, and they turned to North America for a solution. That solution evolved into the 141-R, a 256,000 pound 2-8-2 (known as 141 in France where steam engine configurations are designated by axles not wheels) that could pump out 44,500 pounds of ...
【科普】【扩展】来自北美的援助——法国国营铁路141 R型蒸汽 …
141 R型蒸汽机车,是SNCF在法国解放后从美国和加拿大订购的一款干线客货两用的煤水车式蒸汽机车。 这款机车在1945年到1974年间,运用于SNCF管内各条线路。 141 R 420号机车. 背景. 1944年6月6日早上6时30分,以英美两国军队为首的盟军先头部队总计17.6万人,从英国跨越英吉利海峡,抢滩登陆诺曼底,攻下了犹他、奥马哈、金滩、朱诺和剑滩五处海滩。 此后,288万盟国大军如潮水般涌入法国,势如破竹,成功开辟了欧洲大陆的第二战场。 随着法国从德国侵略 …
RECEPTION OF THE 141-R IN FRANCE - Ixocollections
2024年2月26日 · The SNCF then served the North and South-East regions. By the end of 1946, 6 months after the arrival of the first 141-R-458 in Marseille, deliveries were running at a rate of 75 locomotives a month. Note that the 141-R-2 was left aside until 1948 to be used in the SNCF's plans: the 141-R-252 was given a long training period on the test bench ...
SNCF Class 141R explained - Everything Explained Today
The SNCF 141 R is a class of 2-8-2 steam locomotives of the Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français (French State Railways). They were used all over the French rail network from 1945 to 1974.
EXPLORING THE 141-R IN THE USA - Ixocollections
2024年2月28日 · A second delegation of SNCF engineers, led by Léguillé, Head of the region's Equipment Division, and draughtsmen from the SNCF's Locomotive Research Department (DEL), left for the USA in December 1944 and defined what was to become the 141-R. It was to be a simple, robust locomotive, with generously dimensioned, solid parts and inexpensive ...
À la découverte de la 141-R aux USA - Ixocollections
2024年2月28日 · Les choix définitifs de la deuxième mission. Une deuxième mission, formée d’ingénieurs de la SNCF dirigée par Léguillé, Chef de la Division du Matériel de la région et comptant des dessinateurs de la Direction des Études de Locomotives (DEL) de la SNCF, part aux USA en décembre 1944 et définit ce qui sera la 141-R. Ce sera une locomotive simple, robuste, aux pièces largement et ...
SNCF Class 141R - History - LiquiSearch
For the SNCF, this type of machine constituted a small revolution - with simple expansion and very advanced construction techniques, the 141.R.1101–1340 were the only SNCF steam locomotives equipped with Boxpok wheels, and roller bearings on all the driving and coupled axles, as well as an almost indeformable one-piece cast steel frame.
SNCF receives the first 141R locomotives ordered to America in …
On October 19, 1975, the last 141 R locomotive still in service at the SNCF, the 141 R 1187 from the Vénissieux depot, operated a special round trip train between Lyon and Veynes. Nine locomotives from this iconic series are now preserved in France (including five protected as historical monuments) and in Switzerland.