TGV: book your TGV tickets on SNCF Connect
In France and Europe, SNCF Voyageurs operates two types of TGV trains: the TGV INOUI, which offers a higher level of comfort, and the low-cost option, OUIGO. TGVs can take you to more than 200 cities all over France and Europe.
TGV : Réservez votre billet de TGV sur SNCF Connect
Découvrez l’offre TGV de SNCF Voyageurs en France et à l’étranger ! Le TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse) désigne désormais un type de matériel, c’est-à-dire un train qui peut atteindre une vitesse de 320km/h sur les lignes à grande vitesse en France.
TGV INOUI: book your ticket on SNCF Connect
Explore France and Europe with SNCF TGV INOUI. Travel at over 185 mph in maximum comfort to and from your holiday or business trip. Looking for information about TGV INOUI tickets, destinations, on-board services or season tickets? Browse our page to find what you need and use our search to book your next trip.
Ticket reservation - SNCF Voyageurs
2025年1月17日 · Buy your tickets, passes and season tickets. For all your travel needs in France and Europe, find your tickets here. You can find all our cards and season tickets at any of the 800 SNCF Voyageurs-approved agencies. Discover France with a choice of destinations served by TGV INOUI, OUIGO, Intercités, TER or Transilien.
LGV Sud-Est - Wikipedia
The LGV Sud-Est (French: Ligne à Grande Vitesse Sud-Est; English: South East high-speed line) is a French high-speed rail line which connects the Paris and Lyon areas. It was France's first high-speed rail line, it has also been the most widely used line in France as well as being the busiest high-speed line in Europe.
Railway maps - SNCF Group
2024年3月15日 · Explore our maps to learn more about what we do and how the French rail system works. Access our collection to explore maintenance works, dynamic maps and the rail system in France and beyond. See the entire French rail system at a glance. Experience the power of the French rail network.
Booking and itinerary - SNCF Voyageurs
Book your train journeys and tickets at the best prices on TGV INOUI, OUIGO, Eurostar, TER and INTERCITÉS for your journeys in France and Europe.
Réservation de billets - SNCF Voyageurs
2025年2月14日 · Retrouvez l'ensemble des cartes et abonnements dans l'une des 800 agences agréées SNCF Voyageurs. Partez à la découverte de la France en choisissant parmi l’ensemble des destinations desservies par TGV INOUI, OUIGO, Intercités, TER ou Transilien. Voyagez à travers plus de 30 pays en Europe grâce à l’ensemble de nos offres.
法铁(sncf)路线以巴黎为中心, 向四面八方放射织展,包含高速火车(tgv)路线,和通达各城镇的一般火车路线。 在这些一般火车路线中,全国性的跨区路线被称为「大路线」(Grande Ligne,简称GL),仅于单一地区内行驶的路线则统称为「地区性快速运输系统」 ...
Voyager - TGV INOUI
Découvrez le confort de TGV INOUI pour vos trajets en France et en Europe. Accédez à vos infos de voyage dans votre espace et suivez toute l'actu de TGV INOUI.