Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI)
The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI) is used to classify enterprises and workplaces according to the activity carried out. SNI is important for economic statistics, among other things.
Här kan du söka fram vilken SNI-kod som bäst motsvarar ditt företags verksamhet. När du hittat rätt kod registrerar du den hos Skatteverket, via verksamt.se. Skatteverket registrerar endast SNI-koder för verksamheter som har påbörjats eller kommer att påbörjas inom kort.
Swedish Standard Industrial Classification - Wikipedia
The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification, commonly referred to as SNI, is a Swedish industry standard economic classification system, consisting of a hierarchy of codes that are up to 6-digits long. The SNI standard is modeled on the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, commonly referred to as NACE.
SNI search - snisok.scb.se
SNI search lets you find which SNI code best corresponds to your company's activitiy. When you have found the right code, register it at the Swedish Tax Agency, e.g. via verksamt.se. The Swedish Tax Agency only registers SNI codes for activities that have started or will start shortly.
SNI 2025 - new industry codes - verksamt.se
SNI 2025 replaces the current SNI codes (SNI 2007). The new codes better match today's society and business life. They are also adapted to comply with a new common industry classification within the EU (NACE).
Standard för svensk näringsgrensindelning (SNI)
Standarden för svensk näringsgrensindelning, SNI, används för att klassificera företag och arbetsställen efter vilken verksamhet de bedriver. SNI är viktig för bland annat ekonomisk statistik.
SNI 2025 - Statistikmyndigheten SCB
SNI 2025 träder formellt i kraft i december 2025 (när klassifikationen implementeras i SCB:s företagsdatabas), och ersätter först då nuvarande SNI 2007 som varit gällande sedan 2008. Här kan du se den nya SNI 2025-strukturen, samt nycklar mellan SNI 2007-SNI 2025:
SNI search - snisok.scb.se
SNI code Activity; M Professional, scientific and technical activities: 69 Legal and accounting activities: 70 Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities: 71 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis: 72
SNI: Swedish Standard Industrial Classification - Classification.Codes
The Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI - Standard för svensk näringsgrensindelning), is a system for categorizing economic activities in Sweden. It is managed by Statistics Sweden. Though aligned with the NACE classification system, as is the case with other national classification systems within the European Union, SNI has been ...
SNI code | Digitalbok
What is an SNI Code? An SNI code, or Swedish Standard Industrial Classification, is a five-digit code used to describe and categorize companies based on their types of activities. For example, consultants in web development have the SNI code 62.010 …