SunGuard™ SN 68 - Guardian Glass
SunGuard SN 68 double-silver coating invites in abundant light. It offers a 1.82 light-to-solar gain ratio on clear glass. Build bright, welcoming spaces while blocking unwanted heat to help earn LEED ® credits and reduce operating costs. SunGuard SN 68 has strong color neutrality and is designed to offer a look close to the one of clear glass.
SN 68 on Clear - Guardian Glass
This double-silver solution on clear offers 68% visible light transmission while maintaining minimal outdoor reflectivity at 11%. Combined with its strong color neutrality, SN 68 on clear creates an effect of pure glass – contributing to an uninterrupted connection …
SN 68 - Guardian Glass
SuperNeutral 68 transmits the most light and has the most neutral appearance of any SunGuard product. It can also be laminated to deliver sound reduction, security, safety and hurricane protection. Use the Glass Visualizer to get an introductory understanding of how glass will appear in …
* The SunGuard coatings that can be used on the #3 surface are SN 68, SN 62, SNX 62/27 and Light Blue 63. Guardian recommends a tinted or coated outboard lite when these coatings are used on the #3 surface.
Guardian SunGuard® SuperNeutral® 68 from Guardian Glass
With the most neutral appearance of any SunGuard® product, SunGuard SuperNeutral® 68 is designed to replicate clear glass as much as possible – helping connect the indoors and out while also providing exceptional performance.
SunGuard® SN 68, CrystalGray Glass, Double Glaze (North America)
SuperNeutral SN 68 - SN 68 offers high transparency, low solar heat-gain, and low u-factor. Its neutral appearance makes it suitable for a wide variety of applications. SunGuard IS 20 - An interior surface coating that can be used on a double or triple glaze insulating glass unit to lower the u-factor by an additional .05 of a point.
SN 68 on CrystalClear - Guardian Glass
Combine the sheer low-E appearance of SunGuard™ SN 68 with the barely there look of Guardian CrystalClear™ glass for results that exceed standard clear glass for clarity and color neutrality. Support energy efficiency and comfort with this combination’s 0.39 solar heat gain coefficient and 0.29 U-value – and see more with its 70% ...
help meet the environmental demands. From spectrally-selective coatings with high visible light transmission to varying levels of reflectivity, SunGuard Advanced Architectural Glass delivers maximum energy savings that help me. s can find resources on our web site.
68 12 13 94.0 13 31 33 0.36 0.244 1.91 Cardinal 272 on Clear 70 10 12 95.4 14 35 29 0.40 0.246 1.75 Guardian SN 68 on Clear 68 11 12 95.4 30 33 33 0.37 0.245 1.82 Viracon VE-2M on Clear 72 11 13 95.3 11 34 36 0.38 0.246 1.88 Vitro Solarban 60 on Clear 70 11 13 94.8 18 33 28 0.38 0.244 1.83 Calculation Standard: NFRC 2010 Cardinal 270 on Clear ...
* The SunGuard coatings that can be used on the #3 surface are SN 68, SN 62, SNX 62/27 and Light Blue 63. Guardian recommends a tinted or coated outboard lite when these coatings are used on the #3 surface.