How much C4 to clear all the plague hearts on NMZ/Lethal?
2021年7月10日 · All hearts have the same HP. There's a chart that floats around on how many of anything kills one. And to directly answer your question I'd imagine 3 for each heart. I'll usually try to take them out by laying a C4 down, powerhitting it until it burps, run and blow the C4, and then finishing it off with like 10-15 7.62 rounds.
So the amount of C4 to kill all plague hearts on lethal is INSANE.
2020年12月11日 · Takes 3 C4 charges to kill the plague heart in lethal so if there are 35 hearts you will need 105 c4 charges for them and thats considering you always hit with them, which is unlikely to happen as sometimes explosive damage does not reigster
C4/Remote box mines on lethal? : r/StateofDecay2 - Reddit
2020年12月28日 · Does anyone know how many C4's or Remote Box mines it takes to kill a plague heart on Lethal? I have never used Remote Box mines so I am not sure if they do less damage than C4.
How many c4 to kill plague heart in lethal zone
2021年6月7日 · I've killed hearts on the lower difficulties with just a couple C4, but each one after that takes another C4 for every one I've killed before it. Haven't played Lethal, but I'd assume its the same. you can kill hearts in lethal with 3 c4 but place one at a time
How To Craft C4 Explosive - State of Decay 2 - YouTube
C4 charges are powerful enough to wipe most out in a single, giant explosion, but these are tough to come by in State of Decay 2. In this video, we'll craft ...
Explosives damage? :: State of Decay 2 General Discussions
2021年5月30日 · On Nightmare, one C4, one Thermite Grenade and 4 suppressed 7.62 rounds will destroy a Plague Heart within a few seconds. Just plant the C4, make the shots, detonate the C4 and throw the grenade at it, then run for your car.
best weapon for plague hearts besides .50 cal? :: State of Decay 2 ...
2021年1月13日 · One of the quickest and safest ways to kill a Plague Heart in Nightmare is to bring 1 C4, 1 Thermite Grenade and a suppressed 7.62 gun. The way you do this is to park the car with the front touching something that prevents …
Skill: Chemistry | State of Decay 2 Wiki | Fandom
Munitions unlocks Firesafe Storage. Improves yield of ammo production at the Workshop. Allows crafting of thermite, C4, and improved ammunition. It provides the following bonuses: Survivors with Munitions can also provide your community with 3 …
Facility: Workshop | State of Decay 2 Wiki | Fandom
It allows you to repair and salvage your weapons, and craft a wide array of items. Accepts Workshop and Universal Facility Mods. This facility is not available in Heartland. Its functions are divided between the Repair Depot and Basic Lab facilites instead. Crafts consumables and crossbow bolts, enables weapon repair & salvage. Can produce ammo.
How much C4 to destroy one plague heart on lethal?
2021年9月22日 · Run in, drop c4, hit plague heart 6 times with a heavy weapon, run, detonate c4, run back in, drop c4, run out, detonate c4, dead plague heart. This is how I do it. Here is an amazing video on YouTube. He tested all guns and explosives and made tables on how many it would take to kill a plague heart in each difficulty.