The RPD is a 7.62x39mm light machine gun developed in the Soviet Union by Vasily Degtyaryov for the 7.62×39mm M43 intermediate cartridge. It was created as a replacement for the DP machine gun chambered for the 7.62×54mmR round. It is a precursor of most squad automatic weapons. SOG would cut down the Barrel and do some other modifications.
Behind Enemy Lines: Guns of Vietnam's SOG Warriors
2020年4月7日 · Behind that innocuous name, MACV-SOG ran top-secret, covert operations across Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War, especially U.S. Army Special Forces-led reconnaissance missions along the...
从迷你手雷到死亡机器:MACV-SOG的黑色行动与他们的特殊装备 …
为了弥补面杀伤能力,MACV-SOG的成员还会携带美军所缴获的RPG,不过由于其尺寸巨大,一些MACV-SOG宁愿携带一具60毫米迫击炮,也不愿意携带RPG,携带60毫米迫击炮的MACV-SOG小队往往被称为“重型(Heavy Squad)”团队。
The Unique Weapons of MACV-SOG’s Commandos in Vietnam
2021年10月20日 · The RPD utilized the Soviet 7.62x39mm round and was a belt-fed gun that weighed only 16 pounds unloaded. To make the RPD even lighter and handier, they trimmed the barrel down to the gas tube. This became one of the more unique MACV-SOG weapons in Vietnam. The RPD became less of a fire support weapon and more of an ambush and anti ambush weapon.
MACV-SOG: A Unit of Modern Forces Living History Group -----
The RPD is a 7.62 mm light machine gun developed in the Soviet Union by Vasily Degtyaryov for the intermediate 7.62x39mm M43 cartridge. It was created as a replacement for the Soviet 7.62 mm DP light machine gun, chambered for the 7.62x54mmR Mosin rifle round.
细说:RPD轻机枪80高龄 超越所处的时代 至今仍拥有顽强的生命 …
2023年2月2日 · RPD是一款弹链供弹的7.62×39mm口径机枪,以捷格加廖夫此前设计的老式DP“转盘机枪”为基础,采用导气式自动方式,开膛待击,鱼鳃撑板式闭锁机构。
MACV-SOG: Secret Operations in Vietnam - Grey Dynamics
2024年11月15日 · 2.3 RPD. The RPD is another Soviet design favoured by MACV-SOG operators. The closest parallel the US military had at the time was the M60 machine gun. However, the M60 was bulky, and heavy, and fired a heavy 7.62x51mm NATO cartridge. The M60 was not suitable for SOG’s purposes.
RPD 轻机枪 - 枪炮世界
RPD是俄文РПД的罗马拼写法,全称为Ручной Пулемёт Дегтярёва(罗马拼写Ruchnoy Pulemyot Degtyaryova),意思是“捷格加廖夫手提式机枪”。 由于当时已经是二战的最后阶段,所以当RPD准备好大规模生产时战争已经结束,因此来不及参战。
RPD SOG - Military Conflict
The RPD is a 7.62x39mm light machine gun developed in the Soviet Union by Vasily Degtyaryov for the 7.62×39mm M43 intermediate cartridge. It was created as a replacement for the DP machine gun chambered for the 7.62×54mmR round. It is a precursor of most squad automatic weapons. It was succeeded in Soviet service by the RPK. HISTORY
美国驻越顾问司令部研究观察组(英语:Military Assistance Command, Vietnam-Studies and Observations Group, 缩写为MACV-SOG或SOG, 简称为美军援越司令部-研究观察团或研究观察团)是美国一支高度机密的联合特种作战特遣队,20世纪60年代初开始在在越南战争之前和期间进行 …
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