SOIC300-20-OP-01H Open Cavity Plastic Package - SOIC Package …
Lead Count: 20 Body Size: 0.510 x 0.300 in Lead Pitch: 0.050 in
关于SO、SOP、SOIC封装(宽体、中体、窄体)的详解 - CSDN博客
SO、SOP、SOIC封装详解 (关于宽体、中体、窄体)第一篇一、简介SOP( Small Outline Package )小外形封装,指鸥翼形 (L 形 )引线从封装的两个侧面引出的一 种表面贴装型封装。
具有灵活的架构,每个块为128KB,支持高达104MHz的时钟频率,提供多种封装选项,包括8-pad WSON 8x6mm、24-ball TFBGA 8x6mm和16-pin SOIC 300-mil。
SO、SOP、SOIC封装详解(关于宽体、中体、窄体) - 百度文库
有时也称为“SO”或“SOL”,在JEDEC标准中,针脚间距为1.27mm (50mil)的此类封装被称为“SOIC”。 请注意,EIAJ标准中所称的“SOIC”封装具有不同的宽度。
Qualify 16L Pb-Free SOIC-300 with Maxim oscillator (Maxim E35X) including 12um Maxfilm die coat and SiTime MEMS 524KHz resonator stacked die. This package is made with 100% Matte Tin plating, C194 M-STL copper alloy specially treated leadframe, Sumitomo G605L molding compound, silver-filled epoxy die attach from vendor Ablestik (AB8200T), and 0 ...
Cypress Semiconductor Package Qualification Report QTP 070802 VERSION*B October 2014 28 / 32-Lead SOIC (300mils) Pure Sn, MSL3, 260C Reflow Amkor-Phil (M)
SOIC(小外形 IC 封装)是一种基于引线框架的塑封封装,适用于需要优化 IC 封装性能的应用。 此类符合行业标准的封装采用大批量生产,能够为各种应用提供高附加值,低成本的解决方案。
ADI derived most of the information listed in this declaration from documents provided by third parties, and assumes no liability to any inaccuracy of such information.
All dimensions are in millimeters. Angles in degrees.Complies with JEDEC MS-013.
ADI derived most of the information listed in this declaration from documents provided by third parties, and assumes no liability to any inaccuracy of such information.