Owned & operated by: NextDay AI Incorporated - 4388 Saint-Denis, Suite 200, Montreal, Quebec, H2J2L1, Canada. NexDay AI USA Inc - 2915 Ogletwon Road, Suite 4642, Delaware, 19713, USA
SpiMLCC is an online engineering tool that defines the frequency response and voltage coefficient for KYOCERA AVX ceramic chip capacitors. Main features include data about capacitor and interactive charts of Impedance, ESR, Capacitance change with Temperature and DC Bias, Ripple Current and data for S-parameters.
Update to SpiCAT (Online Simulation Tool) | KYOCERA AVX
The latest SpiCAT update features four new high-reliability, X7R-dielectric multilayer ceramic capacitor (MLCC) product series engineered for use in demanding automotive, military, and space applications.
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KYOCERA AVX SpiCAT Online Simulation Tool - Mouser Electronics
2020年10月9日 · SpiMLCC is an online engineering tool that defines the frequency response and voltage coefficient for KYOCERA AVX ceramic chip capacitors. Main features include data about the capacitors and interactive charts of impedance, ESR, capacitance change with temperature and DC bias, ripple current, and data for S-parameters.
SpiCat (Spice Catalog) | Simulation Software - YouTube
Designed with users in mind, the SpiCAT Simulation Software offers access to useful design & interactive simulation data for multiple product categories. This software will help you design AVX...
7. SPI子系统 — [野火]嵌入式Linux驱动开发实战指南——基 …
2025年2月22日 · 串行外设接口 (Serial Peripheral interface)简称SPI,是一种高速的,全双工,同步的通信总线,并且在芯片的管脚上只占用四根线,节约了芯片的管脚。 本章我们介绍下SPI相关的基础知识、内核SPI框架和以spi接口的oled显示屏为例讲解spi驱动程序的编写。 本章主要分为五部分内容。 第一部分,spi驱动基本知识,简单讲解SPI物理总线、时序和模式。 第二部分,分析spi驱动框架和后续使用到的核心数据结构。 第三部分,分析spi总线驱动和spi核心层以及spi …
Online simulation tool for tantalum, polymer, niobium oxide ...
2018年7月12日 · Designed with users in mind, new SpiCAT simulation software offers access to two separate portals — SpiMLCC and SpiTAN, which supersede SpiCap III and SpiTan IV — that provide electrical and performance characteristics by frequency and temperature for an extensive range of multilayer ceramic or tantalum, polymer, and niobium oxide surface-mount ...
SPI Home Cast Aluminum Literary Cat Garden Sculpture 17.5 …
Introducing the captivating Literary Cat Statue from SPI Home, thoughtfully crafted using enduring cast aluminum. Standing at a height of 10 inches, with a length of 17.5 inches and a width of 11 inches, this piece seamlessly captures the charm of feline curiosity.
- 评论数: 18
4. SPI通信 — 快速使用手册—基于LubanCat-RK3588系列板卡 文档
打开SPI通信接口和SPI片选接口. 使用方向键移动光标到 SPI. 按 “空格键” 选中SPI-CS(出现 “*”),如下图. 按 “确认键” 进行设置. 按 “Esc键” 退出到终端,运行 sudo reboot 进行重启应用
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