AN/SPQ-9 - Wikipedia
AN/SPQ-9A (sometimes pronounced as "spook nine") is a United States Navy multi-purpose surface search and fire control radar used with the Mk-86 gun fire-control system (MK86 GFCS). It is a two dimensional surface-search radar, meaning it provides only range and bearing but …
AN/SPQ-9B - 百度百科
an/spq-9b是mk86炮火控制系统的探测器,是 反舰导弹 防御的 脉冲多普勒雷达 ,是水面搜索和目标捕获探测器。它能对舰的横摆和纵摇稳定。 它能对舰的横摆和纵摇稳定。
SPQ-9雷达 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SPQ-9雷达 是 美国 研制的一型多用途对海搜索和火控 雷达,为 X波段 的 脉冲多普勒雷达 (英语:Pulse-Doppler radar)。 有初始型 SPQ-9A 和改进型 SPQ-9B雷达 两种。 由 诺斯洛普·格鲁门 开发。 [1][2] 在美军 JETDS命名系统 (英语:Joint Electronics Type Designation System) 中为 AN/SPQ-9,其中AN指“陆军-海军”(army-navy),后三个字母组合即“安装系统+设备类型+目的”,S指代海基(surface),P指雷达,Q指代特殊或多重的使用目的。 SPQ-9A起初是用作Mk …
AN/SPQ-9B Radar - Military.com
The AN/SPQ-9B scans out to the horizon and performs simultaneous and automatic air and surface target detection and tracking of low flying Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ASCMs), surface threats, and...
AN/SPQ-9B 火控雷达(AN/SPQ-9B Fire-Control Radar)介绍
an/spq-9b 是一种多波形、窄波束、x 波段、脉冲多普勒雷达,它采用了 an/apg-68机载火控雷达的发射机,设计用于 mk86 舰炮火控系统 中替代 an/spq-9a,或者作为独立设备使用。该雷达的研发与采购过程大致为:20 世纪 80 年代末,由于近海亚音速或超音速掠海飞行反舰 ...
AN/SPQ-9B Radar Set > United States Navy > Displayy-FactFiles
2021年11月15日 · The AN/SPQ-9B is an X-Band, pulse Doppler, frequency agile radar which was designed specifically for the littoral environment. It has a very high clutter improvement factor...
The Radar Set AN/SPQ-9B is a high resolution, X-band narrow beam radar that provides both air and surface tracking information to standard plan position indicator (PPI) consoles. The AN/SPQ-9B scans the air and surface space near the horizon over 360 degrees in azimuth at 30 Revolutions Per Minute (RPM).
AN/SPQ-9B - Radartutorial
The upgraded SPQ-9B - which uses a high-resolution, track-while-scan, X band, pulse- Doppler radar - will enable detection and establishing firm track ranges on subsonic and supersonic sea-skimming missiles. The system concept includes a new air mode that provides a new, low-cost, quality sea-skimmer detection capability and a surface mode with ...
【动态】大显神通的SPQ-9B舰载雷达系统_探测 - 搜狐
2019年3月4日 · SPQ-9B 基于 SPQ-9A 雷达改进而来,是一种多波形、窄波束、X波段、脉冲多普勒雷达,主要有对空、对海和信标应答3种工作模式,另外还有反舰导弹探测模式、动目标显示等子工作模式,既能够作为单独的探测设备进行独立工作,也可以与舰船自防卫系统、“宙斯盾”作战系统集成,成为作战系统的一部分。 SPQ-9B雷达能够支持对岸攻击、反舰战和防空战,并能够在严重海杂波和电子干扰情况下探测到掠海飞行的具有极小雷达反射截面的反舰导弹。 在结构 …
US Navy exercises AN/SPQ-9B option with Leonardo DRS
2024年11月20日 · AN/SPQ-9B is an X-Band pulse Doppler, narrow beam multimode radar designed to detect small, fast-moving targets in the presence of clutter from ocean waves, rain and land returns, as well as chaff and jamming.