Rtut-BM - full review - specifications
The SPR-2 "Rtut-B" (1L29) is a Soviet jamming station designed for artillery munitions radio detonators, developed on a BTR-70 armored personnel carrier at the "Gradient" institute. During development, it was transitioned to the BTR-80.
Pindad SPR - Wikipedia
SPR-2. The SPR-2 is a .50 BMG anti-materiel rifle which is fed from a 5-round box magazine. It has a range of 2,000 meters (2 kilometers) and it can be equipped with a suppressor. [6] The SPR-2 can be used to penetrate steel plating for up to …
SPR-2电子战系统 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
spr-2电子战系统(俄语: СПР-2 )是苏联开发的一种干扰弹药无线电引信的电子战系统,grau代码为1Л29,也称为水星-b,或者水银-b。 最初以 BTR-70 装甲车为底盘开发,后来又改进为 BTR-80 。
SPR-2 RTUT-B Artillery Radio Proximity Fuse Jamming Station
The SPR-2 Rtut-B jamming station is designed to protect friendly troops and materiel against hostile artillery fire with munitions equipped with radio proximity fuses by jamming them to cause...
Russian SPR-2M Rtut-BM jammer system spotted in Donbas
2016年8月25日 · SPR-2 is able to cause premature explosion at a safe height or switch the fuse into contact mode. The main areas of use are the first echelon troops, command posts, concentrations of troops and missile launchers. Also, the Rtut-BM can be used to protect the moving objects at pontoon bridge crossings.
表面等离子体共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance, SPR)是一种高灵敏度的生物传感技术,通过监测生物分子在金属薄膜表面的相互作用,实时、无标记地提供结合动力学和亲和力数据,广泛应用于分子互作检测。 SPR 技术的核心是利用光在不同介质中产生消逝波后与金属表面的等离子波产生共振,当固定在芯片上的配体和流经芯片的分析物发生结合和解离时,芯片表面质量变化造成共振角发生变化,传感图会实时记录相互作用下的信号值,根据此变化曲线从而得出分子间相 …
SPR-2型无线电近炸引信干扰车 - 百度百科
spr-2型无线电近炸引信干扰器是靠发射电磁信号使无线电近爆引信提前爆炸的电子设备。 它可以把原设定离地3米爆炸的引信在800米就引爆炸。 用来干扰炮弹,炸弹,导弹的无线电近爆引信的,使人员装备守受保护。
Rtut-BM - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Rtut-BM, 'Mercury-BM' in English, is an electronic warfare (EW) system intended to protect troops and equipment from artillery rockets and shells equipped with proximity fuses which explode at 3-5 meters of altitude.
一文读懂表面等离子共振(SPR) - 知乎专栏
表面等离子共振( Surface Plasmon Resonance,简称SPR) 技术是一种基于光学原理发展而来的新型分析技术。 是指光在棱镜与金属膜表面上发生全反射现象时,形成消逝波进入到光疏介质中,而在介质(假设为贵重金属)中…
如何验证药物与靶蛋白结合?表面等离子共振技术 (SPR) 技术分享
2024年11月26日 · 表面等离子共振技术(Surface plasmon resonance, SPR)作为写入中国、美国、日本药典中的生物分子互作验证技术,在小分子化合物、中药单体与靶蛋白结合亲和力测定及验证中被广泛应用。
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