Fast growing SPS | Reef2Reef
2 天之前 · The first pic is from November 3... Home. New posts Marketplace Build Thread Updates Trending Today's Posts Search forums Unanswered. Forums. New ... I love all SPS corals, however I have a slight obsession with seriatopora, stylophora, and pocillopora species. ... but these have always been my favorite. I am always looking for new additions ...
Gots Me Some New SPS (pics) - Reef2Reef
2010年7月17日 · That's what I thought when I first saw the pic. Last time I was there a few months back he had as much hydroponic equipment as he had coral. I guess medical MJ is big business in Cali! Still some nice pieces but nothing like the "glory days".
SPS and more (pic heavy) | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater and …
2009年8月1日 · Frags will be at least 1" some 1.5"" with the exception being some "clustered SPS" like a Sarmentosa etc. Certain corals have very limited quantities and I cant reserve or hold them, 50% down via paypal sent as a gift or buyer pays fees ( please see/read my feedback).
SPS Nano's: Post a pic and description
2007年12月8日 · I'm moving my tank from a primarily zoo and LPS tank to a SPS dominant tank. I was wondering how everyone else w/ SPS nano's had their's setup and what it looks like. I'm mainly interested in the equipment you use, what kind of supplements you add, and the age of the tank (now and when you added your first SPS).
SPS growth pictures | TCMAS Forums
2017年3月8日 · As some folks constantly obsess over growth rates of their SPS, (myself included) I thought this would be a good arena to show some time lapse photos of...
120 Mixed/SPS tank (lots of pic). - Tank Threads - PNWMAS
2011年3月15日 · Tank info: 120 gallon tank, 30 gallon sump, 2x 250 MH and 2x T-5's, 2x Vortech MP40es, AquaC EV-180 w/mag 9.5 and a carbon reactor. Not dosing at this time just water changes w/Kent salt. Sorry some of the pictures are blurry. Also at some point the leather on the left side will go bye bye (anoth...
Resolved - Something killing SPS! (Pic!) | 3reef Aquarium Forums
2012年7月19日 · My tank is a good year and a half old, all parameters are perfect for an SPS dominated reef. All other sps and lps in the tank seem fine! At first I thought maybe my torch coral stung the pink mille pictured but the exact thing is happening to my other mille on the other side of the tank, and my birdsnest in the middle of the tank.
视频编解码(SPS重要参数) - CSDN博客
2021年7月18日 · sps和pps是h.264视频编码标准中的两个关键技术参数,它们包含了解码视频所需的重要信息。 - ** SPS (Sequence Parameter Set)**:序列 参数 集,包含了影响整个视频序列的 参数 ,例如图像大小、帧率、比特率等。
New SPS - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef Aquarium Forum
2021年12月2日 · I saw this new SPS type pop up in my tank today. Thinking of naming the Turbo White Shadow SPS. thought it was cool that a snail has an SPS on the Shell!!!
Am I doing something wrong? (SPS Coral, pic)
2011年12月1日 · I got this SPS coral a few months ago unsure as to what it is. It grows well but only the tips seem to be purple, then as it grows it turns brown. Is this the nature of this coral? Or something I am doing wrong with water quality? Could I be doing something better? It is in a 90 gallon with a 6-bulb t5 fixture with individual reflectors.