The SR-50A was introduced shortly after the SR-50 to to reduce manufacturing costs. The only advantage compared to early SR-50 calculators is the higher calculating precision. Please find the comparison in the Calculator forensics.
TI SR-50 - Wikipedia
The SR-50 was Texas Instruments' first scientific pocket calculator with trigonometric and logarithm functions. It enhanced their earlier SR-10 and SR-11 calculators, introduced in 1973, which had featured scientific notation, squares, square root, and reciprocals, but had no trig or log
SR-50 - Datamath
Texas Instruments SR-50 (Version 1) This wonderful SR-50 marked a milestone in the history of calculators manufactured by Texas Instruments. It added trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, the logarithms and their inverses to the scientific functions of the SR-10 and SR-11.
SR50A雪深传感器是Campbell公司新研发的利用超声波进行测距的传感器,通过测量超声波脉冲发射和返回的时间差来测量降雪的变化情况。 同时,用户可另外配备一个空气温度传感器,来进行温度修正,以降低环境温度.
Texas Instruments SR-50A Handheld Electronic Calculator
This scientific calculator is a modification of the Texas Instruments SR-50. A handheld electronic calculator, it has a black plastic case with an array of forty small rectangular plastic keys. In addition to ten digit keys, a decimal point key, a change sign key, a total key, four arithmetic function keys, a clear entry key, and a clear key ...
SR50A-L Sonic Distance Sensor - Campbell Sci
The SR50A Sonic Distance Sensor provides a non-contact method for determining snow depth. It determines depth by emitting an ultrasonic pulse and then measuring the elapsed time between the emission and return of the pulse. An air temperature measurement is required to correct for variations of the speed of sound in air.
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS SR-50 MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download Texas Instruments SR-50 manual online. Slide rule calculator. SR-50 calculator pdf manual download.
Texas Instruments slide rule calculator SR-50A manual, 1975
Texas Instruments slide rule calculator SR-50A manual, 1975, Item 40, Box: 4. William Bradley Calculator Collection, WBC. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Archives.
TRUE X BAR 50A SR-X50A - Yamaha Corporation
True X bar 50A 搭配無線重低音喇叭,可增加表現力十足的強勁低音,把您的空間轉變成您感受得到的聲音宇宙。 True X bar 50A 是專為真實聲音的優化而設計的。 從後機體到設計獨特的低音反射端口及布料,全都經過精心挑選,可再現聲音中微妙的細微差異。 透過專用智慧型手機應用程式上相容的串流服務探索新的音樂,並且享受直接在客廳內擴展的娛樂世界。 * 音樂串流服務之可用性因地區而異。 不用遙控器,也不用應用程式! 只需發出語音命令即可控制音量、輸入和音 …
SR50A-L 超声测距传感器 - campbellsci.com.cn
SR50A 是一款坚固耐用的超声传感器,用于测量传感器到目标的距离。 经常用来测量雪深或水深,也经常用于其它用途。 该传感器与Campbell大多数数据采集器均兼容。 The SR50A Sonic Distance Sensor provides a non-contact method for determining snow depth. It determines depth by emitting an ultrasonic pulse and then measuring the elapsed time between the emission and return of the pulse.