What is the true top speed of the SR-71? - Aviation Stack Exchange
2018年7月22日 · The SR-71 Pilot's Operating Handbook has been declassified and is available online. The operating limitations section states that Mach 3.17 is the recommended maximum cruise speed for normal operations. Speeds of up to Mach 3.3 could be authorised by the commander as long as the maximum CIT (compressor inlet temperature) of 427 degrees C …
airspeed - Why is the XB-70's Top speed only about 60mph higher …
$\begingroup$ Co-workers are former SR-71 pilots (actually most are now retired) and they are clear that the thrust headroom for the SR-71 was substantial. The book said 3.3 but there was enough thrust headroom for higher speed. The limitations were heat, as …
What is the minimum turning radius of an SR-71?
2014年8月6日 · The Turn Radius of the SR-71 would depend on its speed. The faster it went the wider its turn radius was. The SR-71 had a minimum turning radius at altitude of about 80 nautical miles (NM). It was not an airframe limitation but a matter of wing area. At 80,000ft, the air is too thin and the wings too small to allow for much lift to turn with.
Why did the SR-71 Blackbird have a light on its top?
2021年10月12日 · The ground crew can see the lower light (bottom of fuselage), while other aircraft can see the upper one (top of fuselage). In flight, the SR-71 would switch to FUS or OFF mode: In FUS (fuselage), the lights are retracted and illuminate white. The lights are rectracted and off when the switch is in OFF. (SR-71 Blackbird Flight Manual)
How did SR-71 spy, flying at 80,000 ft and 3500 km/h?
2015年6月26日 · The SR-71 Blackbird is a famous supersonic reconnaissance/spy aircraft, undoubtedly one of the most amazing flying machines ever. Now, with the capabilities it had: Maximum speed: Mach 3.3 (2,200+ mph, 3,540+ km/h, 1,910+ knots) at 80,000 ft (24,000 m)
What would it take to get the SR-71 flying again?
2021年7月27日 · The SR-71 was a sophisticated plane and was designed for a flight regime that no other aircraft ever really flew in. Everything on the aircraft from the wheels to the pilots had to survive the extremes the aircraft operated in and I'm confident that every part made for that aircraft is no longer made and the tooling has been destroyed.
sr 71 - What are the limiting factors for high altitude planes (e.g: …
2017年6月24日 · For supersonic aircraft this answer simply says the limit is "a combination of wing loading and maximum speed". If you look at the flight envelope of the SR-71 below, it becomes clear that more altitude can be best bought with more speed. SR-71 flight envelope (picture source). Tower buzzing at Mach 3 is clearly impossible. Supersonic speed limits
Why was the SR-71 made of titanium? - Aviation Stack Exchange
2023年1月13日 · Considering this, it will become self evident why titanium was chosen over steel or nickel alloys for SR-71, or rather the A-12, the "original" Blackbird. The Blackbirds were real gas guzzlers simply because of the drag at high speeds, so a lightweight fuselage was a must to enable large enough fuel capacity for meaningful mission radius.
What are the differences between the SR 71 variants?
2017年12月4日 · There's a huge Blackbird community online. Detail specs and history are available at blackbirds.net and at SR-71 Blackbirds. The question of which is superior is an opinion, but one can assume that the SR-71's were "better" than the A-12's as they came later building on what was learned from both the A-12 and YF-12A.
How long did the SR-71 take to get to cruising altitude?
2019年6月17日 · $\begingroup$ Chapter 4 of "SR-71 Revealed" by Richard Graham states that refueling rates from both the KC-10 and KC-135Q were 6,000 lbs per minute. He ballparks 15 minutes for a full refuel, though it seems like the operational details on refueling varied a lot per-mission, and even a single refueling rendezvous may have involved refueling ...