如何评价游戏《简单火箭2》? - 知乎
SR2自由度极高(所以原版零件数量极度精简),用原版的SR2就能和加mod的KSP的精细度媲美。 SR2则相反,自己完全可以称得上是一个简陋的3D建模软件。 直接原版捏,只要有一个像大佬一样的肝,也能达到完美的效果。 因为零件的链接在铰链和分离器等处以外表现为刚性,加上简单飞机从1.6版底层的更新大大优化了物理引擎,相对KSP来说SR2对低性能设备相对友好,可以在手机上运行(虽然5K零件的作品在骁龙865平台上全高特效最多只有10帧罢了)同时游戏相对稳 …
Juno: New Origins
Sign up for our mailing list and we'll email you development updates for our games.PC and mobile game about building rockets
Juno: New Origins | SR2 rocket idea generator
i made a website for generating rocket ideas, well not the best ideas but it works https://sr2rocketideas.netlify.app give suggestions in comments UPDATE: added presetsPC and mobile game about building rockets
SR2 Idea Generator V2
SR2 Rocket Generator by activatewindows please note that payload is not related to properties
简单火箭2 Windows模组安装 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年8月7日 · 默认情况下,SimpleRockets 2应该知道如何打开.sr2-mod文件,因此只需双击mod文件即可,不行的话就双击用简单火箭2关联打开,程序会加载该mod并将至复制到C:\Users\用户名\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimpleRockets 2\Mods。
Juno: New Origins | The SR2 rocket - simplerockets.com
The rocket that is on the SR2 icon. I built this because I was bored, and wanted something to do. Inside the capsule are two devs, and a content creator that I have a high opinion of. Enjoy! (p.s. you can land the first stage SpaceX style)
Should I get SR2? : r/simplerockets - Reddit
2020年10月19日 · My main questions are whether SR2 allows the building of decently realistic rockets, and how realistic are the physics? What I mean by realistic is if i tried to make a scale replica of a RL rocket would it perform reasonably realistically?
My SimpleRockets 2 review : r/simplerockets - Reddit
2021年7月6日 · SR2 has extreme potential and may even surpass KSP, but as of today, this game is great, but not the greatest thing ever. I would fully recommend this game to anyone that wants to get into rocket science. I know I left a lot of stuff out for both so this isn't too long but don't worry, I factored that in to my review.
,用朱诺打开阿波罗11起飞(分离特效完整版)(手机操作,没办法细做),DHX-4 heavy torpedo bomber[三发鱼雷命中USS Tiny并击沉],TAS V二级分离,更多细节,更吓人的数,逆天突击虎防空,吓哭十亿战雷老玩家,JUO/SR2前略翼垂直起降轰炸机空投伞兵演示,新手不要 ...
Procedural Rocket Engines in SR2 - SimplePlanes
We just released a huge update for SimpleRockets 2 today and we're celebrating it with a 20% discount. Pro Tip: If you already own SimplePlanes on Steam, you can get SimpleRockets 2 with an additional 15% discount if you complete the Aerospace Engineer Bundle. Did you think we would let this aggression against rocket engines stand? No sir! Trailer:
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