SR-3 Vikhr - Wikipedia
The SR-3 Vikhr (СР-3 Вихрь, Russian for "whirlwind") is a Russian 9×39mm compact assault rifle. It was developed by A. D. Borisov, V. N. Levchenko and A. Tyshlykov at TsNIITochMash (Central Institute for Precision Machine Building) in the early 1990s and was manufactured in …
Weapons in Saints Row: The Third | Saints Row Wiki | Fandom
There are 32 Weapons in Saints Row: The Third. There are also 9 DLC weapons which require additional payment to unlock. For weapon upgrades, see Weapon Upgrades. Saints Row: The Third is the first game in the series to have additional weapons available via paid DLC.
SR-3旋风突击步枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
SR-3“旋风” (英语: SR-3“Vikhr”, 俄语罗马化 全写: S petsialnaya R azarbotka -3,意为:特别研发3型,Vikhr;俄语: СР-3“Вихрь”,全写: С пециальная Р азработка -3)是一系列由 俄罗斯 中央精密工程研究所 (俄语: ФГУП «ЦНИИТОЧМАШ»)所研制及生产的紧凑型全自动 突击步枪,发射 9×39毫米 苏联 口径 亚音速 步枪 子弹。 SR-3是在1990年代由 中央精密工程研究所 (俄语: ФГУП «ЦНИИТОЧМАШ»)以“紧凑型突击步枪”之名研制。
SR-3 Vikhr小型突击步枪——〖枪炮世界〗
在1991年,首批试产的 RG-051 交付给克格勃,到了1996年,已经经过广泛实战测试后的 RG-051 被正式定型为 SR-3(代号仍然为“旋风”),并被克格勃的继任者——也就是现在的 FSB (联邦安全局)和 FSO (联邦警卫局,负责保护总统和其他政府重要人员)所正式采用。 SR-3 仍然用 AS和VSS 的生产线来生产。 虽然 SR-3 主要用于 VIP 护卫,但因为 SR-3 很适合对付那些穿着防弹衣或躲藏在硬障碍物后面的对手,所以俄罗斯的一些精锐反恐部队也采用了一些 SR-3,把 …
Best SMG for Saints Row the Third : r/SaintsRow - Reddit
2021年4月24日 · Post links, pictures, videos and discussions about one of the best game franchises out there, Saints Row (Saints Row, Saints Row 2, Saints Row the 3rd, Saints Row 4, Gat Out of Hell, Saints Row 2022). I’ve unlocked all of the SMGs, and I just wanted someone’s opinion on which one I should use. Archived post.
SR-3 SR-3M Vikhr - Modern Firearms
SR-3M Vikhr compact assault rifle, current issue model, with 'new pattern' 30-round magazine. The SR-3 "Vikhr" ("Whirlwind") compact assault rifle was developed in TSNIITOCHMASH by A. Borisov and V. Levchenko during early 1990s.
【乐章少前评测#135】辣个女人:SR-3MP(旋风)评测! - 哔哩哔哩
SMG基础命中低,夜战对抗闪避敌人输出大幅下降. 旋风 (誓约) 命中仅为14,少量回避就会让旋风夜战输出大打折扣。 加之敌人回避越来越高(废弃重炮士和肯陶洛斯回避为50),通常*认为敌人有回避,即不适合带旋风。 * 通常,指粗略而言,任意2AR+1HG***MG (主T)队伍,敌人回避≥10,携带旋风的团队输出将低于任意火力号令HG. 投掷类SMG(手榴弹、燃烧弹)不存在上述问题,投弹和燃烧伤害与编制数量无关,且为技能伤害(不可暴击、必定命中) 3. 极少数情况 …
SR3 "Vikhr" | Gun Wiki - Fandom
The SR3 "Vikhr" (Cyrillic: СР-3 «Вихрь», Russian for "whirlwind") is a Russian 9×39mm compact assault rifle, manufactured by the Tula Arms Plant. The abbreviation "SR" stands for spetsialnaya razrabotka — special development.
SR3-MP Vikhr - 异向易位中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络 …
该物品可以通过 人形制造契约以及SMG人形制造契约 获取,亦可以通过 真核面具 在卖掉真核面具以后在聊天框输入指令/mask 135 获取。 本维基为游戏《小兵步枪》模组《少女前线:异向易位》的维基,由玩家共同创建,希望可以为你提供帮助。
TEK Z-10 | Saints Row Wiki | Fandom
Street version of the SMG. Full upgrade allows for incendiary bullets. The TEK Z-10 is a submachine gun featured in Saints Row: The Third. It is the first SMG acquired in the game, and is the most common by far, seeing use by virtually every gang in Steelport, as well as by SWAT and the National Guard.