SR5:Gear Lists:Weapons - Shadowrun Wiki - No-IP
SR5:HT: Grapple gun: 3 7S -2 SS – 1 (ml) 8R 500¥ Core Monofilament Bola: Physical (STR+3)S / 12P +4 / -8 – – – 18F 4,000¥ SR5:R&G: Net: Physical-2 – – – – – 6 350¥ SR5:R&G: Net Gun, Basic: 5 – – SS – 4 (b) 9 750¥ SR5:R&G: Net Gun, XL: 5 – – SS – 2 (b) 9 1,000¥ SR5:R&G: Throwing Syringe: Physical (STR-2)P -2 ...
SR5:Weapons:Submachine Gun - Shadowrun Wiki - No-IP
This bullpup submachine gun was purpose-built for Corporate Court-controlled Interpol fast-response teams. Its special chamber system provides 1 point of Recoil Compensation, it has an integrated rigid stock, and a flashlight that can be used to reduce darkness penalties by one step (Environmental Modifiers, p. 173).
SR5:Weapons:Exotic Ranged Weapons - Shadowrun Wiki - No-IP
This gun can shoot a grappling hook and attached rope, using Light Crossbow ranges. It comes equipped with an internal winch to pull back the grapple (or pull up small loads). Use the Exotic Ranged Weapon skill to shoot it. Micro rope can support a weight of up to 100 kilograms; standard and stealth ropes can support a weight of up to 400 ...
[SR5] Gun adepts? : r/Shadowrun - Reddit
2021年6月18日 · A gun adept focusing in longarms csn be just about unstoppable. You can get the best initiative, the best range, the best damage, actual game breaking damage so GMs beware. And with shotguns you're good at clearing rooms too. +with a big emphazis on agility, it's relatively easy to become a secondary infiltrator as well.
[SR5] Spirits and Guns - forums.shadowruntabletop.com
2014年6月24日 · All spirits have Materialization ... that gives them Immunity to normal weapons. However, they can be shot (with a big enough gun or stick n shock, etc). and project themselves into the astral plane. Likewise, while they’re here. This lets them interact with, and affect, physical beings. Additionally, they gain Immunity to.
2022年7月18日 · SR5型火箭炮可兼容不同的作战模块,它便可以根据作战需求,侧重不同的作战优势,理论上同时具备了欧美以及苏俄式火箭炮的优点. 而我国火箭炮若要全面超越它们,我们的火箭炮还需要拥有我们自己的独特优势。 而我国火箭炮具备的独特优势也是世界当前各个国家比较急缺的,那就是将火箭炮的概念宽泛化,让其成为一个具备多门类作战全面性的一个远程火力支援平台,在这其中像我国这两年新推出的SR5火箭弹,便可以兼容我国的C705反舰导弹。 毕 …
SR5 (Run & Gun): Ruthenium Polymer Coating <> Chameleon …
2014年4月12日 · All the armors/clothing with Ruthenium Polymer Coating listed in Run & Gun have it as a feature at a rating, and then all say Wireless bonus: As Ruthenium Polymer Coating p 85. Page 85 describes how Ruthenium Polymer Coating "in …
[SR5] Just how concealable is a machine pistol? - Shadowrun 5
2014年12月24日 · So I've noticed its conventional wisdom around hear that Automatics is the best guns still because it lets you use the supposedly concealable machine pistol. Well I've been thinking about the numbers, and I'm starting to question just how concealable they really are.
SR5:Weapons:Heavy Pistol - Shadowrun Wiki - No-IP
sr5:r&g Designed for the Russian UGB secret police in 2061, this pistol is able to fold up into a box barely larger than an old-style wallet when the clip is removed. Formerly a clandestine weapon made only for the UGB, information about it leaked to the public rather quickly and it became a popular choice for protection details and spy ...
[shadowrun, SR5] Old guns and other gun questions.
2014年1月14日 · Has anyone seen decent homemade rules to stats old guns in SR5? Some mythic guns are bound to be used somewhere by someone in an 100 years. Hell some might be fired forever and a day. And for some weird reasons, some shadowrun stories tells us that some old guns are better than the new ones.