Let's see your SR9c mods!! - Ruger Forum
2017年9月20日 · Personally, I think one of the finest made by Ruger. Last of the Tank build quality, other than the Ruger American. Personally I will not buy any of the Newer Ruger semi-auto's. They just do not cut in for me in build quality. I would suggest anyone to get the SR9C before Ruger does something stupid like discontinue them.
SR9c mods - Ruger Forum
2011年1月15日 · SR9c mods Jump to Latest 6.6K views 14 replies 11 participants last post by Billetwheel Jan 30, 2012
Ruger SR series upgrades/modification. - Ruger Forum
2014年3月4日 · The mods I did to my SR9 and SR9c were removal of mag disconnects (some have a strong stance against this so no need to hash it out here), shaving down the stupid high LCI's to a fraction of their original size and adding Traction Grips to both. Those mods could easily be transferred to any SR series other than the SR22.
SR9C Mods - Ruger Forum
2011年3月15日 · SR9C Mods Jump to Latest 7.5K views 12 replies 10 participants last post by SmokingGun Mar 25, 2011
SR9c and 9e mods - Ruger Forum
2018年11月5日 · SR9c and 9e mods Jump to Latest 2.7K views 5 replies 6 participants last post by Talldog Nov 11, 2018
SR9C Upgrades - Ruger Forum
2013年2月11日 · I polished the breech block on my SR9c. But I didn't go all the way with a mirror finish. I pretty much matched the breech block to the slide. Basically has the same shine and finish as the slide does. I got some before and after pics. Looks great IMO! I didn't use a dremmel, just soaked in vinegar for 2 hours, used Mothers Mag Polish.
Sr9c modifications? - Ruger Forum
2018年10月16日 · Galloway Precision is one of the best sources for aftermarket Ruger parts. I installed their "smooth it" kit #3 in my SR9c, which comes with a lighter blocker spring, polished plunger, and polished striker indicator. The trigger is the same weight, but much smoother than it was out of the box.
Trigger Kits for the SR9 - Ruger Forum
2013年3月19日 · The Ghost trigger bar for the SR9c is called a "Tactical" whereas the SR9 trigger bar is not so I'm guessing you guys that have installed them in the SR9 didn't have to do any fitting of the part. One thing I am interested in is removing as much over-travel as possible.
Minor mods to my SR9C - Ruger Forum
2011年1月5日 · Cancel Create thread New Forums More Login / Join
SR9 upgrades - Ruger Forum
2010年7月15日 · SR9 and SR9c upgrades well fellas, i want to know what you have done to your SR9 or SR9c that make it better than it already is. ive already purchased the Ultimate Trigger Bar replacement from Ghost Inc. and ive seen a thread with a link to another forum about things to polish down while replacing the trigger bar. let me have em yall.