Getting a copy of your SRB.... - Leatherneck.com
2007年1月10日 · I sent for my complete records and received them in about 4 weeks. Makes for interesting reading, especially the "battle star" my unit (1/9) received for patticipating in an operation a month after we left Vietnam !!
Expert Rifleman Requalification Bars - Leatherneck.com
2008年2月9日 · I qualified three times during my enlistment. All three times I qualified as Expert (documented in my SRB - Weapons Firing Record section). My unit didn't issue a requalification bar on my second and third qualifications. I've searched and read MCOs until my eyes are falling out. The only thing I can find is this: 01August2007 MCO 3574.2K 2.
Expert Rifleman Requalification Bars [Archive] - Marine Corps
2009年4月11日 · I qualified three times during my enlistment. All three times I qualified as Expert (documented in my SRB - Weapons Firing Record section). My unit didn't issue a requalification bar on my second and third qualifications. I've searched and read MCOs until my eyes are falling out. The only thing I can find is this: 01August2007 MCO 3574.2K 2.
SRB on CD [Archive] - Marine Corps - USMC Community
2009年6月28日 · For all active duty and Reserve Marines: it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that EVERYTHING is included in your OMPF, including all fitreps, counseling forms, evals, PFT scores, CERTCOMS, promotion warrants, and medals/awards certificates.
Looking old wingers 1963/64 [Archive] - Marine Corps - USMC …
I am working on my Uncles SRB enlisted 1939 he was with Co.B & Co.E 3rd Mar Raiders 1942 discharged 1945 out 2yrs went to school got his polit lic. Went back in 1948 air wing. 5Sept63 VMGR-352, MWSG-37, 3rdMAW,MCAS,El Toro Calif. regularly assigned member of an acft flying out of, within and over Laos, Vietnam and Thailand as a part of U.S ...
Marine corps college fund [Archive] - Marine Corps - USMC …
2007年8月24日 · it should say in your srb whether or not you are signed up for it. I would take it to a va repesenative. It's on my dd214 under an acronym. I wigged out because it wasn't in my srb while I was active. The information was added in my final srb when I seperated.
Can I get promoted in IRR? [Archive] - Marine Corps - USMC …
2010年12月31日 · Recommended by CO upon removal of disqualifying factor. SRB entry required stating reason for assignment. Individual Marine must sign SRB entry. CMC authority required for reenlistment. Still looking for promotion information.
Mistake... [Archive] - Marine Corps - USMC Community
USMC 2571. 02-10-16, 07:36 AM. ... If it is an official counseling it may go on your page 11 in your SRB ...
No reenlistment code - Leatherneck.com
2011年1月25日 · Get a copy of your SRB and sit down with the recruiter and see what is going on. If you still have contact with some of your senior enlisted or officer Marines that you served with, I would contact them too to see if they can check into it.
Pay mess up!!! [Archive] - Marine Corps - USMC Community
This year due to my tax claiming options I ended up owing over $600.00 to the IRS cause my CAC had audited my SRB without my signature or permission. They changed my claim status so it differed from what was last signed on my tax claim form.