Characteristics of solar-like oscillations of secondary ... - IEEE Xplore
Abstract: We calculated the populations of core-helium-burning (CHeB) stars and found that secondary red-clump (SRC) stars can form a SRC peak in the distributions of the frequency of maximum seismic amplitude (ν max ) and mean large-frequency separation (Δν) of CHeB stars when metallicity Z≥ 0.02.
[1202.2017] Characteristics of solar-like oscillations of secondary …
2012年2月9日 · We calculated the populations of core-helium-burning (CHeB) stars and found that the secondary red clump (SRC) stars can form an SRC peak in the distributions of the frequency of maximum seismic amplitude () and mean large-frequency separation () of CHeB stars when metallicity 0.02.
Characteristics of solar-like oscillations of secondary red-clump stars
We calculated the populations of core-helium-burning (CHeB) stars and found that secondary red-clump (SRC) stars can form a SRC peak in the distributions of the frequency of maximum seismic amplitude (ν max) and mean large-frequency separation (Δν) of …
SWIFT GRB GRB071010B: OUTLIER OF THE E src peak – E γ AND E iso – E src ...
We present multi-band results for GRB071010B based on Swift, Suzaku, and ground-based optical observations. This burst is an ideal target to evaluate the robustness of the E src peak − E iso and E src peak − E γ relations, whose studies have been in
[0910.5774] Swifts GRB GRB071010B : outlier of the $\rm E^ {src}_ {peak ...
2009年10月30日 · We present multi-band results for GRB071010B based on \Swift, \Suzaku, and ground-based optical observations. This burst is an ideal target to evaluate the robustness of the and relations, whose studies have been in stagnation due to the lack of the combined estimation of and long term optical monitoring.
[DSP学习笔记]基于TMS320F28335的FFT及加窗函数实现 - CSDN博客
截断后得到的信号通常是非周期信号,所以FFT结果就变成了连续的谱线,周期信号的频率-幅值不再是一条垂直的直线,而是一条曲线,同时幅值下降,泄露到曲线其他频率点,即我们常说的频谱泄露。 而窗函数一个周期函数,窗函数与截断信号相乘后,会变成比较接近周期函数的波形 (实际上就是利用窗函数进行调制)。 加窗后的信号进行FFT后,得到的频谱曲线会更窄,趋向于垂直直线。 因此对频谱泄露有一定改善。 2.知道为什么要加窗后,我们再来根据实际情况来选择我们 …
对图像进行相关计算操作时注意的问题! - outthinker - 博客园
2018年5月3日 · src_peak = np.zeros((4 , 2) , dtype = int) #二维框的四个顶点 . src_peak[0][0] = int(src_box_info[0]) #左上角点 . src_peak[0][1] = int(src_box_info[1]) src_peak[1][0] = int(src_box_info[0]) + crop_width #右上角点 . src_peak[1][1] = int(src_box_info[1]) src_peak[2][0] = int(src_box_info[0]) #左下角点 . src_peak[2][1] = int(src_box_info[1]) + crop_height.
TMS320F28335调用官方库进行FFT频谱分析 - CSDN博客
测试可以直接使用官方的测试数据和代码进行测试,在下载软件包C2000Ware_4_01_00_00\libraries\dsp\FPU\c28\ examples \fft\rfft_adc_f32 目录中可以找到. …
Swift GRB GRB071010B: Outlier of the E <SUP>src</SUP> <SUB>peak…
Our multi-wavelength analysis reveals that GRB071010B follows E src peak - E iso but violates the E src peak - E γ and E iso - E src peak - t src jet at more than the 3σ level. We present multi-band results for GRB071010B based on Swift, Suzaku, and ground-based optical observations.
Energetic Fermi/LAT GRB 100414A: Energetic and Correlations
This study presents multi-wavelength observational results for energetic GRB 100414A with GeV photons. The prompt spectral fitting using Suzaku/WAM data yielded spectral peak energies of E src peak of 1458.7 +132.6 - 106.6 keV and E iso of 34.5 +2.0 - 1.8 × 10 52 erg with z = 1.368.
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