Editing recordings from samsung Smart TV (SRF format)
2016年3月19日 · Please take note samsung new formate Sony Raw Format SRF. FILE ...NOTE Even if you could copy the recordings to your PC they would still be unreadable as they are encrypted. Whilst decryption is theoretically possible, they are further protected for Digital Rights Management (DRM) purposes. Samsung isn’t alone in this though some smart TV and PVR manufacturers do allow recordings of some ...
Microsoft Account downloads a "login.srf" file
2015年12月6日 · for starters in on Mac so I'm putting that out there but my main issue; whenever i sign into my microsoft account my safari browser downloads a file named "login.srf" i have no idea what this file is or what it does. when i open it my computer tells me this so basically i have a dead file on my hands; i tried in a private window, same issue
When trying to open Excel files from SkyDrive using "File - Open ...
2010年7月21日 · When I try to open Excel, it tells me it can't open a .srf file. I went back to my desktop and reopened, renamed, and saved my excel file from a .xlsx to .xls and tried to re-upload it to SkyDrive, and it still won't open.
My Android phone will not open URL links or QR Codes from our ...
2017年4月12日 · Despite being logged into my O365 account on my phone and being able to explore our sharepoint site without a problem, I cannot open a link to one or our documents. I tried using a URL in the body of an email and also one of the SharePoint online QR codes. I don't get prompted to login or anything, it simply downloads a "login.srf" file or ...
"JavaScript required to sign in"____ - Microsoft Community
2011年2月8日 · A .srf or "server response file" is not a supported Microsoft Word document. In this case, it is actually a website response saying something along the lines of "Javascript Required to Sign-In." When trying to open the file in Microsoft Word, were you prompted to provide your Windows Live ID credentials?
Outlook security message - requesting sign in to download file..
2017年10月23日 · This just started happening, granted I recently updated my laptop, network, office password. I am continually prompted for user name and password by Outlook but not on launch... it happens several
File downloaded by itself (Microsoft account, web browser Safari, …
2023年4月22日 · I was logging into my Microsoft account and a file named prelanding downloaded by itself. No extension and 0 b long. If relevant: using safari on Mac
how to fix the "Hmmm… can't reach this page" in microsoft edge?
2023年6月19日 · I'm unable to fix this "Hmmm… can't reach this page " for 3 days now. Even with the help of youtube tutorial/guide, I still can't fix it. I need some help to you guys, because Microsoft Edge an easy way to search and very convenient to …
Recover your Microsoft account using the Online Validation …
2019年7月4日 · If you have forgotten your Microsoft account password and don’t have access to the security information on your account, the account recovery form is a tool that you can use to provide additional
Is this a fraudulent email or an official email from Microsoft?
2024年10月11日 · Hello CR.Hby Thank you for using Microsoft products and posting in the community. I know that you worry when you receive an email from an unknown sender and I understand how you feel. Being hyper-vigilant with phishing software is a very wise and commendable behavior. This type of monitoring not only protects privacy and property, but also shows a keen eye for potential cyber threats. There is ...