Making Units. :: SRPG Studio General Discussions
To add a unit to test play, open "Base Settings" under "Tools," then click "Test Members," then "Import Player." You'll have to uncheck and then recheck all your characters any time you make any changes to them to keep them up-to-date in the test.
Database - SRPG Studio
Set the name of the unit. Set the description of the unit. It is displayed on the unit menu screen of the game. Set the initial level of the unit. If the experience value exceeds 100, the unit will level up. Set the HP of the unit. A value of 0 will result in death or injury. Set the class to …
User-Made Plugin Links | SRPG Studio Wiki | Fandom
This plugin allows you to have unit events that can be used by any unit, not just the one who has the unit event. This allows for a tremendous number of possibilities, including fully customizable rally skills.
SRPG Studio Tutorial: Unit Fusion, Unit Transformation
My plugin: https://github.com/Ephraim225/SRPG-St... Done mostly to get the word out about how in-depth these features of the system can actually be. Also tried recording at a higher resolution so...
Parameters and Growths | SRPG Studio Wiki | Fandom
Parameters are the unit's stats, including their HP, Str, Mag, Skl, Spd, Lck, Def, Res, Mov, Wlv, and Bld. Growths are the percentage change for the unit's parameters to increase on levelup. Every class and character can be assigned parameters and growths.
How do you make an enemy capture a player unit, requiring a …
2020年1月17日 · I was curious about trying to set up a situation in which an enemy unit targets one of the player characters specifically. The enemy will stand next to the hero character, capture them, and on their following turn will begin moving towards a goal (at the edge of the map), and will then leave the map with the captured player unit.
How to add more unit colors? : r/srpgstudio - Reddit
2018年9月8日 · How to add more unit colors? So, if you go to a unit, and click the Details box, then Motion color, it allows you to select if you want that unit to have the default Player (blue) color scheme, or the Guest color scheme in their battle animation. Is there a way to add the Ally or Enemy colors here too for more variation? Thanks.
How do I make units playable? :: SRPG Studio General Discussions
2020年9月7日 · You can use this option to set which units are available at the start of your game. You can use this command to change a unit's faction.
【SS】对话选择屏幕上显示 Base_Unit - SRPG Studio技术区 - RPG …
2024年4月21日 · 如果您要在基地创建对话事件,则会出现一个名为“对话选择”的命令。 基本上,那里只显示一张人物插图,但这个插件支持显示多张图像。 您还可以选择图像类型:脸部图像、肖 ... 【SS】对话选择屏幕上显示 Base_Unit ,RPG云书
How can I get a unit to use both swords and magic? - Reddit
2018年8月26日 · I'm trying to get a unit to use both swords and magic. Whenever I assign a unit as a mage, it's only able to use Tomes. If I try switching tomes to the Fighter subset it refuses to use animations.